
Define unite.vim source for fasd

Primary LanguageVim Script


This plugin defines 'fasd' source for unite.vim. It invokes fasd script for gathering candidates.

Configuration example

" Path to fasd script (must be set)
let g:unite_fasd#fasd_path = '~/.zsh/fasd/fasd'

" Path to fasd cache -- defaults to '~/.fasd'
let g:unite_fasd#fasd_cache = '~/.cache/fasd'

By default, fasd data will not be updated whenever a new file is opened from vim. To enable updating fasd data from vim, use:

" Allow `fasd -A` on `BufRead`
let g:unite_fasd#read_only = 0

This is to avoid double-counting a file open (one from shell and one from vim).

There are 3 known ways to avoid it, choose one:

  1. Keep a separate fasd data file for vim:

    let g:unite_fasd#fasd_cache = '~/.cache/vim_fasd'
  2. Add vim (and/or nvim) to $_FASD_IGNORE:

    _FASD_IGNORE="fasd ls echo vim nvim" # "fasd ls echo" is the default
  3. Add this to your vimrc (so that the first BufRead event is ignored):

    au VimEnter * let g:unite_fasd#read_only = 0
    " Note: BufRead is executed before VimEnter

PS: double counting is not that big a deal, anyway.


:Unite fasd for listing files indexed by fasd. Sorting would be based on default weights assigned by fasd.

:Unite fasd:mru Same as above, except that it will be sorted in most-recently-used first order.