Have a look at /Documentation/Introduction/Index.rst for full documentation.
Easy to use solution to realise a simple "linktree" (based on https://github.com/MichaelBarney/LinkFree). A basic style is included, maybe not necessarily the most beautiful ;-) But you can easily adopt the style, see "customizing"
- Use the extension manager (or composer) to install this extension
- Continue with "usage"!
- Add a page for the linktree
- Add an template there
- Insert static template of t3_linkfree
- Configure the extension via the constant editor (logo, name, logolink..)
- Add subpages to add links to your linktree (you can add normal paged, internal or external links)
You can easily change the style by adding your own CSS file. Just set the path via the constant editor. Have a look at https://github.com/MichaelBarney/LinkFree/tree/master/Templates to get some ideas!
- Works with TYPO3 11 + 12 and PHP 7.4 + 8