
Try to implement some algorithms in the book Introduction to Algorithms in C (and maybe C++).

Primary LanguageCMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


Try to implement some algorithms in the book Introduction to Algorithms in C (and maybe C++).

Note that not every algorithm & problem in that book will be implemented here, and not every problem here is from that book.

Now finished

  • Dynamic Programming
    • Longest Common Subsequence
  • Divide-and-Conquer
    • Median of Two Arrays

Code structure

For each problem there'll be an independent directory to hold it's code. For example, the directory longest_common_subsequence saves the code of the problem 'Longest Common Subsequence'.

Inside each directory there may be a folder named lib which stores some simple and stupid small C basic data structures libraries such as queue and stack.

My code style is more or less like K&R. However, sometimes I prefer thisExample to this_example.

IDE I'm using

I'm using CLion by JetBrains to write these code. It's a wonderful IDE.


MPL v2.0