
A PyTorch implementation of Speech Transformer, an End-to-End ASR with Transformer network on Mandarin Chinese.

Primary LanguagePython

Speech Transformer: End-to-End ASR with Transformer

A PyTorch implementation of Speech Transformer [1], an end-to-end automatic speech recognition with Transformer network, which directly converts acoustic features to character sequence using a single nueral network.

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  • Python3 (recommend Anaconda)
  • PyTorch 0.4.1+
  • Kaldi (just for feature extraction)
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • cd tools; make KALDI=/path/to/kaldi
  • If you want to run egs/aishell/run.sh, download aishell dataset for free.


Quick start

$ cd egs/aishell
# Modify aishell data path to your path in the begining of run.sh 
$ bash run.sh

That's all!

You can change parameter by $ bash run.sh --parameter_name parameter_value, egs, $ bash run.sh --stage 3. See parameter name in egs/aishell/run.sh before . utils/parse_options.sh.


Workflow of egs/aishell/run.sh:

  • Stage 0: Data Preparation
  • Stage 1: Feature Generation
  • Stage 2: Dictionary and Json Data Preparation
  • Stage 3: Network Training
  • Stage 4: Decoding

More detail

egs/aishell/run.sh provide example usage.

$ cd egs/aishell/; . ./path.sh
# Train
$ train.py -h
# Decode
$ recognize.py -h

How to visualize loss?

If you want to visualize your loss, you can use visdom to do that:

  1. Open a new terminal in your remote server (recommend tmux) and run $ visdom.
  2. Open a new terminal and run $ bash run.sh --visdom 1 --visdom_id "<any-string>" or $ train.py ... --visdom 1 --vidsdom_id "<any-string>".
  3. Open your browser and type <your-remote-server-ip>:8097, egs,
  4. In visdom website, chose <any-string> in Environment to see your loss. loss

How to resume training?

$ bash run.sh --continue_from <model-path>

How to solve out of memory?

When happened in training, try to reduce batch_size. $ bash run.sh --batch_size <lower-value>.


Model CER Config
LSTMP 9.85 4x(1024-512). See kaldi-ktnet1
Listen, Attend and Spell 13.2 See Listen-Attend-Spell's egs/aishell/run.sh
SpeechTransformer 12.8 See egs/aishell/run.sh


  • [1] Yuanyuan Zhao, Jie Li, Xiaorui Wang, and Yan Li. "The SpeechTransformer for Large-scale Mandarin Chinese Speech Recognition." ICASSP 2019.