Coding night

During the coding night we explore go lang so this is the suggested software to have installed:

  • go lang (any available, should not make a difference)
  • Ide
    • VSCode + Go plugin
    • JetBrain go (or IntellijUltimate + go)
  • Your entusiasm

I did some training with Mac and Linux, don't know how go works in Windows, last hope WLS2


Official guide:

Mac instruction

Official site tell you to download the executables from the site and unpack them, but a most handy way is to use brew.

Installing go with brew:

brew install go


As for mac official site tell you to download and install the tarball, but usually is already packaged with the distribution


Don't know if choco works well with windows, but could be a different way to install it.

Create a module

Each directory in go is a module and in order to simplify building etc. is better to start with a module:

go mod init coding-night

could be an example.

after you can create a file (usually main.go) that contains your code and main_test.go that contains the test

To run the code:

go run main.go


go build 

and execute the generated executables.

To execute the tests:

go test


Some link that could be useful