
Generated C# SDK based on official OpenAI OpenAPI specification

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Nuget package dotnet License: MIT Discord

Generated C# SDK based on official OpenAI OpenAPI specification using NSwag

This package includes C# Source Generator which allows you to define functions natively through a C# interface, and also provides extensions that make it easier to call this interface later.
In addition to easy function implementation and readability, it generates Args classes, extension methods to easily pass a functions to API, and extension methods to simply call a function via json and return json.
Currently only System.Text.Json is supported.


using tryAGI.OpenAI;

public enum Unit

public class Weather
    public string Location { get; set; } = string.Empty;
    public double Temperature { get; set; }
    public Unit Unit { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; } = string.Empty;

public interface IWeatherFunctions
    [Description("Get the current weather in a given location")]
    public Task<Weather> GetCurrentWeatherAsync(
        [Description("The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA")] string location,
        Unit unit = Unit.Celsius,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);

public class WeatherService : IWeatherFunctions
    public Task<Weather> GetCurrentWeatherAsync(string location, Unit unit = Unit.Celsius, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        return Task.FromResult(new Weather
            Location = location,
            Temperature = 22.0,
            Unit = unit,
            Description = "Sunny",

var service = new WeatherService();
using var httpClient = new HttpClient();
var api = new OpenAiApi(apiKey, httpClient);
var result = await api.CreateChatCompletionAsync(new CreateChatCompletionRequest
    Messages = new List<ChatCompletionRequestMessage>
        "You are a helpful weather assistant.".AsSystemMessage(),
        "What's the weather like today?".AsUserMessage(),
    Functions = service.AsFunctions(),
    Function_call = Function_call4.Auto,
    Model = ModelIds.Gpt35Turbo_0613,
// ...
var resultMessage = result.GetFirstChoiceMessage();
var functionArgumentsJson = resultMessage.Function_call?.Arguments ?? string.Empty;
var json = await service.CallGetCurrentWeatherAsync(functionArgumentsJson);
// or just get arguments
var args = service.AsGetCurrentWeatherAsyncArgs(functionArgumentsJson);


This repository contains the library with constants for all OpenAI constants(models/prices/context length and other).

using OpenAI.Constants;

string id = EmbeddingModels.Version3Small; // implicit conversion to string
double price = EmbeddingModels.Version3Small.GetPriceInUsd(tokens: 500); // 0.00001
EmbeddingModels.Version3Small.MaxInputTokens // 8191
EmbeddingModels.Version3Small.PricePerTokenInUsd // 0.00000002


Priority place for bugs: https://github.com/tryAGI/OpenAI/issues
Priority place for ideas and general questions: https://github.com/tryAGI/OpenAI/discussions
Discord: https://discord.gg/Ca2xhfBf3v