
docker with python and oracle instant client

Primary LanguageDockerfile


docker with python and oracle instant client


  • docker-python-oracle:python3.5-oracle12.2
  • docker-python-oracle:python3.6-oracle12.2
  • docker-python-oracle:python3.6.6-oracle12.2

How to build

  • Download oracle linux client zips from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/linuxx86-64soft-092277.html

    • Be sure to get the Basic Light Package and the SDK
    • Place the files in the same folder as the Dockerfile
  • Populate the variables in the following command:

    docker build -t python-oracle:AAA-BBB --build-arg="ORACLE_VERSION=CCC" --build-arg="PYTHON_VERSION=DDD" --build-arg="ORACLE_ZIP_INTERNAL_FOLDER=EEE" .
    • AAA - python version - eg 3.6
    • BBB - oracle short version - eg 12.2
    • CCC - oracle long version - eg
    • DDD - python version - eg 3.6 (be sure to match AAA)
    • EEE - oracle zip folder contents - eg instantclient_12_2
    • Full Example:
      docker build -t python-oracle:3.6-12.2 --build-arg="ORACLE_VERSION=" --build-arg="PYTHON_VERSION=3.6" --build-arg="ORACLE_ZIP_INTERNAL_FOLDER=instantclient_12_2" .

How to test

  • Build the test container:

    docker build -t pythontest -f test.Dockerfile .
  • Run a test (example):

    docker run --rm -e "ORACLE_CON_STR=YourUserNameHere/YourPasswordHere@IpAddressOrHostnameOfOracleServerHere/OracleInstanceNameHere" pythontest
  • Result should be the version of the Oracle server.

Other files in the folder:

  • test.Dockerfile - simple container to prove the connection to Oracle works inside python
  • main.py - python based test script.
  • requirements.txt - python requirements for test script
  • alpine.broken.Dockerfile - attempt to build the python container using alpine (reduces the container image size).