Demo App in this blog!

If you wanna know details, please go to the link!

Quick Setup


  • Amazon Cognito is created with AWS CLI and Terraform.
  • Demo App is developed in React/TypeScript, and Chakra UI

Details will be as follows, please set up if necessary.

name version
AWS CLI 2.6.0
Terraform CLI 1.1.0
react 18.2.0
typescript 4.6.2
react-router-dom 6.3.0
chakra-ui/react 2.2.4
aws-amplify 4.3.27

1. Infra

$ cd infra
$ terraform init
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply

Then, You create a sample user using AWS CLI commands! ※Please type YOUR Cognito identification.

create a user

$ aws cognito-idp admin-create-user  --user-pool-id "{Please type your userpool id}"  --username "test-user-paprika"

Setting a password

$ aws cognito-idp admin-set-user-password --user-pool-id "{Please type your userpool id}" --username "test-user-paprika" --password 'Password1234#' --permanent

Completes the setup! Let's implement an application to use it.

2. App

$ cd app
$ npm i

Then, open the .env file.

Please set YOUR Cognito identification which is made from 1. Infra

.env file

REACT_APP_AUTH_REGION={Please type aws region you want to use}
REACT_APP_AUTH_USER_POOL_ID={Please type your user id}
REACT_APP_AUTH_USER_POOL_WEB_CLIENT_ID={Please type your client id}

Finally, you run the app!

$ npm start

Congrats! You can see the top page. screenshot

Please go to the login page and touch the login demo!