
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A Node-Red node that provides basic Google Cast functionality based on the node-castv2-client package.

Getting Started

Install directly from your NodeRED's Setting Pallete


This assumes you have node-red already installed and working, if you need to install node-red see here

$ cd ~/.node-red
$ npm install node-red-contrib-castv2


This package provides a single node, castv2-sender, which will be under the "castv2" group in the pallete. The node requires a configured connection, and allows for setting additional settings like authentication for supported cast applications. The node will output the current google cast device platform state or cast application state on published state changes.

At a minimum, a msg.payload must be defined, and must conform to the format below. Be careful when sending results of other nodes in that it doesn't conflict in some way or unexpected results may occur. General msg format expected on input is as follows:

  payload: {
    app: "DefaultMediaReceiver", // optional, allows for controlling other supported apps
    type: "TYPE",

mDNS Discovery

Connection nodes can be set up to use either a static IP / port (default 8009), or mDNS discovery be advertised device name. The node-red instance must be running on the same subnet as the target cast device to use the mDNS discovery mechanism. If specified, the mDNS target will take precedence over any specified IP / port settings.

mDNS usage enabled the ability to maintain a stable connection to Cast Groups.

To use mDNS in Docker containers, the node-red instance must either be started with --net=host, or the multicast packets must be reflected into the Docker network by an image that has access to both networks. The below command will start an image that can do this without exposing the node-red instance to the host network, though any suitable reflector should do.

docker run --restart=always --name mdns-bridge -dit --net=host wquist/mdns-bridge:latest <HOSTINTERFACE>

Supported Applications

This node supported a couple of applications with room to grow. This allows it to launch, join active sessions, and control these cast applications in addition to the DefaultMediaReceiver. To control application specific commands (see platform / media commands below for other types), and "app" must be specified on the command to ensure the right application is either joined or launched first. The following applications are supported, and examples can be found below for the message structures sepcific to them:

  • DefaultMediaReceiver
  • GooglePlayMusic - media control only
  • GogolePlayMovies - media control only
  • Netflix - media control only
  • Spotify - media control only
  • YouTube

Platform Command Example

Platform commands refer to the global commands that the cast target supports regardless of what app is running. Typicall that is these:

Command Example
CLOSE Closes the current running application / cast session
GET_CAST_STATUS Gets status from cast device
GET_VOLUME Triggers a query to get current volume information (not used)
MUTE Mute cast device
VOLUME Set volume of cast device
UNMUTE Unmute cast device

MUTE Example

  payload: {
    type: "MUTE"

VOLUME Example

  payload: {
    type: "VOLUME",
    volume: 100 // 0 to 100

Media Command Example

Media commands are listed below. These tend to be global to most media apps. For any app supported by this module, these should be supported. You do not need to include an app with these as the node will attempt to join any active sessions for supported apps automatically.

Command Example
PAUSE Pause current media
PLAY Play current media
SEEK Seek to time in current media
STOP Stop playing current media without exiting application
QUEUE_NEXT Play next media item
QUEUE_PREV Play previous media item

STOP Example

  payload: {
    type: "STOP"

SEEK Example

  port: 8009,
  payload: {
    type: "SEEK",
    time: 100 // Time to seek to in seconds

DefaultMediaReceiver Command Example

These are the commands exposed by the DefaultMediaReceiver for playing generic media URLs. Because the "app" defaults to this, app CAN be omitted from the command. It is provided below for completeness.

Command Example
MEDIA Load a single media file or queue multiple to play
TTS Create a text-to-speech MP3 and cast to device

MEDIA Example

Loads media for DefaultMediaReceiver.

  payload: {
    app: "DefaultMediaReceiver",
    type: "MEDIA",
    media: {
      url: "http://test.com/media.mp3",
      contentType: "audio/mp3", // optional if type can be infered from url file type
      streamType: "BUFFERED", // optional unless you want to send LIVE instead
      metadata: { ... } // optional for extending default metadata such as title, images, etc.

Alternatively, you can send an array for msg.payload.media with a collection of objects of the same format to trigger loading a media queue to the cast device instead.

  payload: {
    app: "DefaultMediaReceiver",
    type: "MEDIA",
    media: [
      { url: "http://test.com/media.mp3", ... },
      { url: "http://test.com/someOtherMedia.mp3", ... },

The metadata object is optional, and is a straight pass through of Google's metadata object structure. Common overridable properties are metadata.title, metadata.subtitle, metadata.images[]. etc. See Google's documentation for other options. By default, the metadata.metadataType is 0, meaning GenericMediaMetadata, but a different value can be passed in to allow support of extended metadata properties if needed.

TTS Example

  payload: {
    app: "DefaultMediaReceiver",
    type: "TTS",
    text: "Something to say",
    speed: 1, // optional to adjust TTS speed, defaults to 1
    language: "en", // optional to set TTS language, default to en
    metadata: { // optional unless desired, follows normal metadata rules noted above
      title: "Media title"

YouTube Command Example

These are the commands exposed by YouTube receiver. The "app" is required on these commands.

Command Example
MEDIA Load a single media file

MEDIA Example

Loads media for YouTube.

  payload: {
    app: "YouTube",
    type: "MEDIA",
    videoId: "VideoIdFromYouTube"