
Calculator application for IssueTrak programming test.

Primary LanguagePerl

Trak::Calc - A calculator/formula parser, built in Perl

This README provides instructions for installing and using the calculator program developed for the programming test.

Even though this calculator was developed on MacOS and Linux, it runs fine on Windows. These installation instructions are Windows-centric. If help is needed to install and run this on a Mac or Linux machine, please contact me.


  • Perl 5.24.x

Most Linux distros and Macs do not ship with a modern enough Perl distribution to run this calculator.


Download and install Perl from ActiveState

Next, you must clone this Git repo to your machine.

Once installed, you can download a prepackaged Zip archive containing all the modules for ActivePerl from me. This zip can be extracted over your ActiveState Perl install.

If you'd rather skip the downloading of the zip and install the modules I use for yourself:

c:\projectdir> modules.bat

If you are on Linux or MacOS, run this instead:

~/projectdir> sudo cpan install App::cpanminus
~/projectdir> sudo cpanm --installdeps . --with-develop --with-all-features

Running the Application

There are a few different ways to invoke the application:

# Run in interactive mode, no debugging:
c:\projectdir> perl trak.pl

# Run in interactive mode with debugging:
c:\projectdir> perl trak.pl -d

# Evaluate a specific formula with debugging:
c:\projectdir> perl trak.pl -d "1 + 2 * 3 + 4"

Other command line arguments are explained in the documentation.

Running the Tests

Running tests is easy!

# This runs tests with summary output
c:\projectdir> prove -l 

# This runs tests with detail output
c:\projectdir> prove -lv

If you'd rather just look at test output without running the tests, the docs/ subfolder contains summary and verbose test output in the docs/TestDetail.txt and docs/TestSummary.txt files.


Pregenerated documentation files are in the docs/ subdirectory within the project directory. To view documentation straight from the application itself, use perldoc:

c:\projectdir> perldoc trak.pl
c:\projectdir> perldoc lib/Trak.pm