A tool for basic syntax highlighting of arbitrary text files and streams.
Synesthesia takes regular expressions and uses them to colorize stdin. Moreover, identical matches are colored with the same color, making it a good tool for visualizing large files or streaming data.
At the moment, just put the synesthesia
script file in your PATH
and make
it executable.
synesthesia ([flags]|[patterns])... [-- [patterns]...]
Where patterns are any valid Python regular expressions and flags are any of the following flags. Multiple patterns are or'd together in the order they are provided. Multiple flags controlling the same parameter may also be specified; the last one specified for that parameter will be used.
-b --background Turn on or off background colorization. (default off)
-f --foreground Turn on or off foreground colorization. (default on)
-h --help Print usage information.
Synesthesia is licensed under the MIT license. The full license is in the