Displays diffs in a convenient html page.
- Useful when dealing with large validation text files or directory structures in automated builds, e.g. on Jenkins.
- Collapsible diff sections for each file make the result easy to read when comparing directories
- Inline-diff (character-wise) helps you to easily identify changes (optionally line-wise)
- Pure Java solution
$ ./gradlew installDist
To compare two directories (or files), e.g. dir1 and dir2, use the fat jar
$ java -jar build/libs/diff-to-html-1.1.jar dir1 dir2
or the start script
$ ./build/install/diff-to-html/scripts/diff-to-html dir1 dir2
which will give you something like
Output written to: file:///home/maurice/Git-Projects/openSource/diff-to-html/diff_dir1_dir2.html
Directories differ!
Call without arguments for help
$ java -jar build/libs/diff-to-html-1.4.jar -h
usage: cronn-diff-to-html <input_left> <input_right> [<output_html>] [-h]
[-w] [-b] [-crlf] [-or] [-iu] [-de] [-u <arg>] [-fs <arg>] [-id]
-h,--help print this help
-w,--ignore-white-spaces ignore all white spaces
-b,--ignore-space-change ignore changes in the amount of white space
-crlf,--ignore-line-endings ignore line endings, i.e. normalize CRLF /
LF while comparing files
-or,--only-reports always exits with zero
-iu,--ignore-unique ignore unique files
-de,--detect-encoding tries to determine encoding type
-u,--unified <arg> output <arg> (default 3) lines of unified
-fs,--max-size-diff <arg> no textual diff if file size differs too
-id,--line-diff generate line-wise diffs (default: inline /
Generate your tar (or zip) to take wherever you want
$ ./gradlew distTar distZip
$ ls build/distributions/
diff-to-html-1.1.tar diff-to-html-1.1.zip
- Java 8