
🖼 Official Quart logo (with style guide).


Official Quart ASGI web microframework logo

Quart logo version Docs complete


  1. Quart is a Python ASGI web microframework, that allows websites to be written utilising the async await syntax and the familiar Flask API. This is possible as Quart is a re-implementation of the Flask API using async/await and ASGI.
  2. Logo and style guide made by Vic Shóstak for Quart community.
  3. All images in this repository have Creative Commons license (CC0 1.0 Universal).

Logo story

The logo itself has a lot of meaning.

This is looks like Flask fonts and give us to understand what’s the quart means? Because 1 quart equal 0.9 litre (and we’re assuming: full bottle on logo hold one litre, but it’s not full — because hold a quart now).

The bung on top of bottle makes it clear — this is production ready Python framework with speed more than Flask, but Flask-like — all in one pack! Get, open (equal install) and use it!

Unstable liquid’s state in bottle give us to understand — this liquid is reactivity, like new async features on Python and HTTP/2. And some aggressive gradient’s color of liquid say to us hey, I’m alive and can help you to improve yourself... just use me!

General Information

  • SVG files minify by SVGO project with max optimize;
  • PNG files have 600x600 size and transparent background.

Full logo (color)

Download: SVG, PNG

Short logo (color)

Download: SVG, PNG

Style Guide


Text has been written in classical old English font, call IM FELL English (by Igino Marini, Principal design).



  • HEX #000000, RGB 0, 0, 0, HEX 0, 0%, 0%


  • Light elements — HEX #BCE3F4, RGB 188, 227, 244, HSL 198, 72%, 85%
  • Dark elements — HEX #99D5E8, RGB 153, 213, 232, HSL 194, 63%, 75%

Cork from the bottle:

  • Light elements — HEX #C49A6C, RGB 196, 154, 108, HSL 31, 43%, 60%
  • Dark elements — HEX #B7895B, RGB 183, 137, 91, HSL 30, 39%, 54%

Liquid in the bottle:

  • Gradient:
    • from HEX #FFFF33, RGB 255, 255, 51, HSL 60, 100%, 60%
    • to HEX #E83B3B, RGB 232, 59, 59, HSL 0, 79%, 57%

Real life examples



Project assistance

If you want to say thank you:

  1. Add a GitHub Star to project.
  2. Twit about project on your Twitter.
  3. Donate some money to project author via PayPal: @paypal.me/koddr.
  4. Join DigitalOcean at our referral link (your profit is $100 and we get $25).


All images in this repository have Creative Commons license (CC0 1.0 Universal).