my dotfiles (heavilly influenced by Braintree's dotfiles)
- Open System Preferences and turn off natural scrolling
- Install 1Password
- Generate a new SSH Key for Github
- Install homebrew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
- When done, run:
eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
- Clone down this repo:
git clone
- Enter the dotfiles directory and Run
to install any other software needed and set up the dotfiles- CLI Installs:
- App Installs:
- In addition, a confirm prompt will appear to ask about some optional apps to install:
- Open iTerm and run
to complete the vim setup. You'll see an error about the color schemeonedark
being missing, but don't worry, it's in the process of being installed.
If you plan to use your Arturia Midi Controller, you'll have to log in and activate the software license for your computer (and remove any previous computers you no longer have access to).
- create a
file with the name/email for your workplace so that default commits from your work computer use your work email instead of your personal email:
name = Blade Barringer
email =