
esp8266 infoscreen implementation

Primary LanguageC++

ESP8266 InfoScreens

In progress

This will be a sming library for esp8266, for showing multiple info screens with data on them, that refreshes automaticaly for you onscreen (currently ssd1306)

Based on sming: https://github.com/SmingHub/Sming


Screen (I2C):
sclPin 5
sdaPin 6

Button 0


Create extended display
//* SSD1306 - I2C
Extended_SSD1306 display(4);

//Declare InfoScreens
InfoScreens *infos;

Adding Pages and other parts

  // Add a new Page
  InfoPage* p1 = infos->createPage("Main", "Main");

  //Add a header line (its just a regular line)
  InfoLine* el = p1->createLine("header1", "P1Test");
  //add a time paramater (data that can be updated whenever)
  el->addParam("time", currentTime)->t.x = getXOnScreenForString(currentTime, 1);

You can even add the same param more than 1 time in a page (short version now)

  p1->createLine("time2", "time:")->addParam("time", currentTime)->t.x = getXOnScreenForString(currentTime, 1);

Add more Pages

  InfoPage* p2 = infos->createPage("P2", "P2");
	InfoLine* el2 = p2->createLine("header2", "P2Test");
	//add the time param
	el2->addParam("time", currentTime)->t.x = getXOnScreenForString(currentTime, 1);

	p2->createLine("4", "sta:")->addParam("station", "");
	InfoLine* el22 = p2->createLine("2", "apdd: ");
	el22->addParam("ap", "");

	InfoPage* p3 = infos->createPage("P3", "P3");
	p3->createLine("header3", "P3Test")->addParam("time", currentTime)->t.x = getXOnScreenForString(currentTime, 1);
	p3->createLine("4", "ap:")->addParam("ap", "");

Show the menu


Now update a value:

  void handleUpdateTimer() {
  	currentTime = SystemClock.now().toShortTimeString(true);
  	infos->updateParamValue("time", currentTime);

Move right (you can also move left) - show a different page


Use of InfoScreen

Click - move to next Screen DoubleClick - move to previous Screen Click and hold - Rapid fore (100ms) of move to next screen


This button implementation can sense:

  1. Click
  2. Double Click

If enablePressAndHold = true then if button is still pressed after click, it will send a click event every 100ms

if enablePressAndHold = false then lib will detect: 3. Long click - no Click events fired 4. Hold click - no Click events fired


Regular Constrcutor

MultiFunctionButton(int buttonPin, ButtonActionDelegate handler)

Simplified Constrcutor

MultiFunctionButton(int buttonPin)

Set a new handler for click events

void onButtonEvent(ButtonActionDelegate handler)