
A command-line utility to trash files safely on any UNIX-like operating system, compliant with the FreeDesktop.org Trash specification, written in Go

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


A command-line utility to trash files safely on any UNIX-like operating system, compliant with the FreeDesktop.org Trash specification, written in Go

Current version : 1.0

For a brief overview on the process of creating the app, check out 📁notes/process.md


To install the app, first ensure you have go installed and on your path. Then, clone the repo and build the binary:

git clone https://github.com/cross-codes/Trash-CLI.git
go build -ldflags="-s -w" -o trashput

Here, you may replace trashput with any name of your choice which will now be the command used to execute the application). Move the newly created binary into a location included in PATH such as ~/.local/bin and then execute trashput anywhere:

trashput [FILE/DIR]...

The arguments can contain globbing patterns


This app is designed for users who primarily use a TUI with a file manager like Thunar or Dolphin installed. It provides a convenient way to trash files and folders. However, it does not include a separate restoration functionality. The decision was made to keep the scope focused on trashing files efficiently, while leaving the restoration process to be handled through the user's file manager.

Project started on: 25/03/2024

(v1.0) First functional version completed on: 26/03/2024