
pytorch, ctpn ,text detection ,ocr,文本检测

Primary LanguagePython


my blog about CTPN blog


nms and bbox utils are written in cython, you have to build the library first.

cd utils/bbox
sh make.sh

It will generate a nms.so and a bbox.so in current folder.

how to test

  • follow setup to build the library
  • download the test model from baidu yun
  • change you own model_path , dir_path and save_path in inference.py
python3 inference.py

how to train

####data format follow icdar15 dataset format, x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4,label

│   1.jpg
│   2.jpg   
│		...
│   1.txt
│   2.txt
|		...

get pre_model

python3 get_premodel.py

it will generate the pre_model named "vgg16.model" in root_dir

then change you train data path in ./dataloader/data_provider.py , the train data path is the root path of your image and label dir


Simplely run

python3 train.py

some results


  1. https://github.com/eragonruan/text-detection-ctpn
  2. https://github.com/AstarLight/Lets_OCR/tree/master/detector/ctpn