
Angular Model Driven Forms Validation Messages

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Angular 2 Model Driven Forms - Validation Messages

The idea behind ng2-mdf-validation-messages is to make your Angular 2 forms validation easier, faster and with less code in a way that it is like using the original Angular 2 validations. It currently supports default and custom error messages. Global and local configuration. Just one line of code to show errors.


No external dependencies except Angular 2 itself.

Angular 2 Version

This is currently written with version 2.1.2, but it should work with 2.0.0 even RC6.

Quick start

  1. A recommended way to install ng2-mdf-validation-messages is through npm package manager using the following command:

npm install ng2-mdf-validation-messages --save


Import Ng2MDFValidationMessagesModule into your app's modules:

import { Ng2MDFValidationMessagesModule } from 'ng2-mdf-validation-messages';

  imports: [

This makes all the ng2-mdf-validation-messages components available for use in your app components.

Basic Example

You can also check the demo-app in the repository for more complete examples.


import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { FormBuilder, FormControl, FormGroup } from '@angular/forms';

import { ValidationExtensions } from 'ng2-mdf-validation-messages';

    selector: 'my-app',
    templateUrl: './src/app.component.html',
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
    editorForm: FormGroup;
    firstName: FormControl;

    constructor(private formBuilder: FormBuilder) {}

    ngOnInit() {
        this.firstName = this.formBuilder.control('', ValidationExtensions.required());
        this.editorForm = this.formBuilder.group({
            firstName: this.firstName,


<form [formGroup]="editorForm" novalidate>
    <label>First Name</label>
    <input formControlName="firstName" type="text">
    <ng2-mdf-validation-message [control]="firstName" *ngIf="!firstName.pristine"></ng2-mdf-validation-message>

Advanced (and actually useful) Examples

Global error messages configuration.

ng2-mdf-validation-messages comes with the option to configure globally the messages that the errors return and the class of the div where the error is displayed.

import { Ng2MDFValidationMessagesModule } from 'ng2-mdf-validation-messages';

  imports: [
        class: 'text-danger',
        defaultErrorMessages: {
            required: 'Default Custom Required Message',
            email: 'Invalid email!',
            minLength: 'Minimum length is {0}!',

As you can see placeholders in the strings are supported. For this example, ValidationExtensions.minLength(3) will output error 'Minimum length is 3!'

Currently supported errors and their default messages.

  • required: 'This field is required!',
  • pattern: 'The input value does not match the pattern required!',
  • email: 'Invalid email!',
  • minLength: 'Minimum length is {0}!',
  • maxLength: 'Maximum length is {0}!',
  • minNumber: 'Minimal value is {0}!',
  • maxNumber: 'Maximal value is {0}!',
  • noEmpty: 'Only blank spaces are not allowed!',
  • rangeLength: 'The input must be between {0} and {1} symbols long!',
  • range: 'The input must be between {0} and {1}!',
  • digit: 'The input must be a number!',
  • equal: 'The input must be equal to {0}!',
  • url: 'The input must be a valid URL!',
  • date: 'The input must be a valid date!',
  • areEqual: 'The input values in the group must match!',
  • passwords: 'Both fields "Password" and "Confirm Password" must match!',
  • unknownError: 'Unknown Error!',

Configure specific errors

The Style

You can configure the class of the div where the error is shown locally on each error.

<ng2-mdf-validation-message [control]="firstName" *ngIf="!firstName.pristine" [class]="'text-danger'"></ng2-mdf-validation-message>

Custom error messages

The real "power" of this component is the ability to give custom error messages for every single validation. And again placeholders are supported. Example:

    this.firstName = this.formBuilder.control('', ValidationExtensions.required('First name is required!'));

    this.username = this.formBuilder.control('', [
            ValidationExtensions.required('Username is required!'),
            ValidationExtensions.minLength(3, 'Username must be at least {0} symbols long!')

    this.age = this.formBuilder.control('', ValidationExtensions.minNumber(18, 'Minimum age to enter is {0}!'));

Custom Validation Extensions

You can create your custom validations following this example:

static VALIDATION_NAME(...PROPS_IF_NEEDED, message: string): ValidatorFn {
    return (control: AbstractControl): { [key: string]: any } => {

       return {
            ERROR_TYPE: {
                message: message,
                //...PROPS (will be used for placeholders)


  • Add compose


  1. Download this repo.
  2. Run npm install.
  3. Run npm start
  4. Go to demo-app
  5. Run npm install.
  6. Run npm start
  7. To build run npm run build.prod
  8. Run tests npm run test