
Text input mask for React Native, Android and iOS

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Text input mask for React Native on iOS and Android.


React Native Text Input Mask iOS React Native Text Input Mask Android


npm install --save react-native-text-input-mask
react-native link react-native-text-input-mask

For Android it just works.

For iOS you have to drag and drop InputMask framework to Embedded Binaries in General tab of Target and check ‘Yes’ in ‘Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries’ of Build Settings.

For RN 0.47 use 0.3.2 version – npm install --save react-native-text-input-mask@0.3.2


import TextInputMask from 'react-native-text-input-mask';
  refInput={ref => { this.input = ref }}
  onChangeText={(formatted, extracted) => {
    console.log(formatted) // +1 (123) 456-78-90
    console.log(extracted) // 1234567890
  mask={"+1 ([000]) [000] [00] [00]"}

More info

RedMadRobot Input Mask Android

RedMadRobot Input Mask IOS


This project uses semantic versioning: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. This means that releases within the same MAJOR version are always backwards compatible. For more info see semver.org.