
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Getting started with Bolt ⚡️

This is a simple Slack's Bolt⚡️ app template. This README covers the following ways to start building your awesome Slack apps.

  • CodeSandbox: Step 1 -> Step 2A
  • Glitch: Step 1 -> Step 2B
  • On your local machine (Linux/macOS/Windows): Step 1 -> Step 2C

(Step 1) Slack App Initial Setup

Create a Slack App

Start with creating a new Slack app from https://api.slack.com/apps

Configure Bot Scopes

Access Features > OAuth & Permissions from the left sidebar and set the followings.


  • app_mentioned:read
  • chat:write
  • commands

Install the app to your workspace

Access Settings > Install App from the left sidebar. You'll configure more later but let's install the app anyway to get a bot token (xoxb-***).


(Step 2A) CodeSandbox Setup

Sign in with your GitHub account


As of December 2019, CodeSandbox allows logging in with only GitHub accounts. You need to login with your own GitHub account.

Create a new sandbox

It's pretty simple. Create a new sandbox by importing this repostiory. The steps are:

  • Click Create Sandbox
  • Go to IMPORT tab
  • Put https://github.com/seratch/bolt-starter in the textbox
  • Click Open Sandbox

Then, fork the template project to create your own sandbox:

In your own sandbox project, configure secrets as below:

  • SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET: https://api.slack.com/apps/{APP_ID}/general Basic Information > App Credentials > Signing Secret
  • SLACK_BOT_TOKEN: https://api.slack.com/apps/{APP_ID}/install-on-team Set the Bot User OAuth Access Token (starting with xoxb-)

That's all! If your changes are not reflected to the running sandbox, click Restart Sandbox button.

Set Request URLs (Slack App)

You must see https://{random}.sse.codesandbox.io/ URL in the right pane on CodeSandbox.

You can go with https://{random}.sse.codesandbox.io/slack/events for all of the Slack App Request URLs.

  • https://api.slack.com/apps/{APP_ID}/event-subscriptions
  • https://api.slack.com/apps/{APP_ID}/slash-commands
  • https://api.slack.com/apps/{APP_ID}/interactive-messages

Re-install Slack App to your workspace


(Step 2B) Glitch Setup


Create a Glitch project

The steps are similar to CodeSandbox.

After creating a project, duplicate _env file and name it as .env. The file named .env will be automatically marked as a secret file.

After modifying .env file, make sure if the app is running without any problems by checking the logs.

Set Request URLs (Slack App)

You must see https://{some-fancy-name}.glitch.me/ URL in the Live App settings on Glitch.

You can go with https://{some-fancy-name}.glitch.me/slack/events for all of the Slack App Request URLs.

  • https://api.slack.com/apps/{APP_ID}/event-subscriptions
  • https://api.slack.com/apps/{APP_ID}/slash-commands
  • https://api.slack.com/apps/{APP_ID}/interactive-messages

Re-install Slack App to your workspace


(Step 2C) Your Local Machine Setup

ngrok Setup


ngrok http 3000

If you have a paid license, you can configure a fixed subdomain.

ngrok http 3000 --subdomain your-awesome-subdomain

Node Version Manager (nvm) Setup

Linux / macOS


  • Install nvm-windows from here
  • mvn list available to check the available versions
  • nvm install {latest LTS} (installing latest LTS version)

If you go with WSL, follow the same steps in Linux / macOS.

Start with this template

Or it's also possible to download this project template:

git clone git@github.com:seratch/bolt-starter.git or https://github.com/seratch/bolt-starter/archive/master.zip

Run the app

cd bolt-starter
cp _env .env
# edit .env
npm i
npm run local

Set Request URLs (Slack App)

Set https://{your-awesome-subdomain}.ngrok.io/slack/events to all of the followings:

  • https://api.slack.com/apps/{APP_ID}/slash-commands
  • https://api.slack.com/apps/{APP_ID}/event-subscriptions
  • https://api.slack.com/apps/{APP_ID}/interactive-messages

Slash Commands

Access Features > Slash Commands from the left sidebar. Create a slash command named /open-modal.


  • Command: /open-modal
  • request URL: https://{your-awesome-subdomain}.ngrok.io/slack/events
  • Short Description: whatever you like
  • Click "Save" for sure

Configure Event Subscriptions

Access Features > Event Subscriptions from the left sidebar. Add an event subscription for app_mention events and click "Save Changes" button for sure..


  • app_mention

Configure Interactive Components

Access Features > Interactive Components from the left sidebar. Set the Request URL for Interactive Components and click "Save Changes" button for sure.


Re-install the app to your workspace



The MIT License