
Some documentation on how to use LoRaWAN

Primary LanguageC

How to run RAK5146

I'm not using it with Raspberry Pi, but the official example rak_common_for_gateway gives a good idea of how to use it.

  • rak5146 is the same content with rak_common_for_gateway/lora/rak5146. Didn't touch much
  • sx1302_hal contains libloragw and packet_forwarder with RAK5146 specific changes copied.

I wrote some CMakelists.txt to build the project since I can't read Makefile.


cd sx1302_hal/libloragw
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j$(nproc)
make install
cd sx1302_hal/packet_forwarder
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j$(nproc)
cp ../../rak5146/global_conf_usb/global_conf.cn_470_510.json .
mv global_conf.cn_470_510.json global_conf.json
cp global_conf.json local_conf.json # no idea why both config files are needed

Packet Forwarder


Maybe I should switch to ChirpStack Concentratord? Looks like it also utilizes libloragw and it's written in Rust.