
Generic Node Server Folder Structure That Can Be Reused For Multiple Projects

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Purpose of this Git Repo

Gives a basic folder structure for node server usage. You will need to change sources links and files as needed for your projects, but this should give you a good starting point on a folder structure.

I will try to keep any and all files such as jquery up to date. The current one in this repo is 3.3.1.min.

Last Updated: 2/7/2018

Package.json and Express Install Commands

Once you have all your server files linked correctly in your code and in the right folders, please follow these steps to install your package.json, package.lock.json, Express module and starting your server.

  • npm init -y will create the package.json file
  • npm install express --save will install express
  • modify package.json file under scripts with "start": "node server/server.js",
  • npm start will start node
  • node server/nameoffile.js will run the js for the server, above I used node server/server.js as an example.