
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Name of Project

Slack Overflow https://slack-overflow-prime.herokuapp.com

Built With

SQL, AngularJS, node.js, Express, Text-Angular, ng tags input, bootstrap, sweetalert, dirpagination, filestack, heroku, passport

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

npm install npm start


Link to software that is required to install the app.


Steps to get the development environment running.

create table questions( id serial primary key, question_title varchar, question_description varchar, num_of_view int default 0, posted_date date default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, tag_array text[] );

create table tags( id serial primary key, tag_name varchar );

create table users( id serial primary key, username varchar, password varchar, email varchar, profile_img_url varchar DEFAULT 'images/profile_picture.png' );

create table answers( id serial primary key, answer varchar, votes int default 0, posted_date date default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP );

create table joint_users_questions( user_id int references users, question_id int references questions ON DELETE CASCADE );

create table joint_questions_answers( question_id int references questions ON DELETE CASCADE, answer_id int references answers ON DELETE CASCADE );

create table joint_users_answers( user_id int references users, answer_id int references answers ON DELETE CASCADE );



Next Steps

  • Slack slash commands
  • build in file upload with text-angular


Visit www.heroku.com to deploy


Christiana Routon


Shout out to the creators of text-angular, bootstrap, dirPagination, awesome fonts, ng tags input and sweetalerts!