
Monitor file changes and publish contents to MQTT whenever the file is updated.

Primary LanguagePython


Monitor file changes and publish contents to MQTT whenever the file is updated. Provides the functionality of watchdir but for just a single path.


$ pip install mqtt_relay


usage: mqtt-relay [-h] [-H HOST] [-P PORT] [--connect-timeout CONNECT_TIMEOUT]
                  [--max-reconnect-delay MAX_RECONNECT_DELAY] [-u USERNAME]
                  [-p PASSWORD] [--password-file PASSWORD_FILE] [-c CLIENT_ID] [-C] -t
                  TOPIC [--payload-file-missing PAYLOAD_FILE_MISSING] [-q {0,1,2}]
                  [-R] [--refresh-interval REFRESH_INTERVAL] [--keepalive KEEPALIVE]
                  [--tls] [--tls-insecure TLS_INSECURE] [--ca-certs CA_CERTS]
                  [--certfile CERTFILE] [--keyfile KEYFILE]
                  [--birth-topic BIRTH_TOPIC] [--birth-payload BIRTH_PAYLOAD]
                  [--birth-qos {0,1,2}] [--birth-retain] [--will-topic WILL_TOPIC]
                  [--will-payload WILL_PAYLOAD] [--will-qos {0,1,2}] [--will-retain]
                  [--inotify-trigger-delay INOTIFY_TRIGGER_DELAY]
                  [--inotify-restart-delay INOTIFY_RESTART_DELAY] [--daemon]
                  [--pidfile PIDFILE] [-d DEBUG] [--logfile LOGFILE] [-v]

positional arguments:
  path                  Path to file whose contents are relayed to MQTT

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -H HOST, --host HOST  Hostname for the MQTT broker
  -P PORT, --port PORT  Port for the MQTT broker
  --connect-timeout CONNECT_TIMEOUT
                        Timeout for initial connection to MQTT broker
  --max-reconnect-delay MAX_RECONNECT_DELAY
                        Set maximum broker reconnect delay (in seconds)
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        Username to authenticate with MQTT broker
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Password to authenticate with MQTT broker
  --password-file PASSWORD_FILE
                        Path to file to read password from
  -c CLIENT_ID, --client-id CLIENT_ID
                        Client ID to use when connecting to MQTT broker
  -C, --clean-session   Set MQTT retain flag for published message
  -t TOPIC, --topic TOPIC
                        MQTT topic for published message
  --payload-file-missing PAYLOAD_FILE_MISSING
                        MQTT payload to publish if file is not found
  -q {0,1,2}, --qos {0,1,2}
                        MQTT QoS for published message
  -R, --retain          Set MQTT retain flag for published message
  --refresh-interval REFRESH_INTERVAL
                        Set the interval for republishing with current content
  --keepalive KEEPALIVE
                        Set the keepalive interval for the MQTT client
  --tls                 Enable SSL/TLS support
  --tls-insecure TLS_INSECURE
                        Disable certificate verification. Not recommended
  --ca-certs CA_CERTS   Path to the Certificate Authority certificate files that are
                        to be treated as trusted
  --certfile CERTFILE   Path to the PEM encoded client certificate for authentication
                        with the broker
  --keyfile KEYFILE     Path to the private keys for authentication with the broker
  --birth-topic BIRTH_TOPIC
                        Set a birth topic to be sent to the broker
  --birth-payload BIRTH_PAYLOAD
                        Set a birth payload to be sent to the broker
  --birth-qos {0,1,2}   Set the QoS for the birth payload
  --birth-retain        Set retain flag for the birth payload
  --will-topic WILL_TOPIC
                        Set a will topic to be sent to the broker
  --will-payload WILL_PAYLOAD
                        Set a will payload to be sent to the broker
  --will-qos {0,1,2}    Set the QoS for the will payload
  --will-retain         Set retain flag for the will payload
  --inotify-trigger-delay INOTIFY_TRIGGER_DELAY
                        Time in seconds to wait after file update is detected before
                        publishing file
  --inotify-restart-delay INOTIFY_RESTART_DELAY
                        Time in seconds to wait before restarting inotify watcher
  --daemon              Run application as a daemon
  --pidfile PIDFILE     File to store PID when running as a daemon
  -d DEBUG, --debug DEBUG
                        Set application debug level
  --logfile LOGFILE     File to log messages to
  -v, --version         Show application version