=== CF Internal Link Shortcode ===
Contributors: alexkingorg, crowdfavorite
Tags: internal, link, permalink, shortcode, lookup, reorganize, post, page
Requires at least: 2.6
Tested up to: 3.1
Stable tag: 1.0.1

== Description ==

A flexible shortcode and lookup tool for creating internal links in post/page content (or anywhere shortcodes are parsed).
A lookup tool is added to the sidebar of the post edit screen for locating shortcodes for internal posts.

A plugin by <a href="http://crowdfavorite.com">Crowd Favorite</a>. We build Big Things with WordPress.

== Installation == 
1. Upload the internal-link-shortcode.php file to your wp-content/plugins directory.
2. Go to the Plugins page in your WordPress Administration area and click 'Activate' for Internal Link Shortcode.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==  

= If I reorganize the structure or change my permalink settings will the links still work? =

Yes, the links generated by shortcodes will auto update themselves so you'll have no broken links.

= Does this plugin support custom post types? =

Yes, posts with a custom type will be listed in the results when searching for a shortcode. The plugin will also add a shortcode search box to any 'Add New' or 'Edit' public custom post type page

= Can I use custom link text in the shortcode? =

Yes, using the shortcode  [link id='123' text='my link text'] will produce a link of the following <a href="{url of post/page #123}">my link text</a>.

You can also add class and rel attributes to the shortcode. [link id='123' text='my link text' class='my-class' rel='external'] will produce the following link 
<a href="{url of post/page #123}" class="my-class" rel="external">my link text</a>

Both of these examples can be viewed in Internal Link Shortcode Lookup box by clicking on the '?'.

= Anything else? =

That about does it - enjoy!

== Changelog ==

= 1.0.1 =

- Rename the 'name' value of the search field so that it doesn't conflict with an existing WP Admin field.

= 1.0 =

- Initial release