
Opinionated scripts for managing application deployment lifecycle in Kubernetes

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Kubernetes Scripts

Opinionated scripts for managing application development and deployment lifecycle using Kubernetes.

How to Install

npm install reactiveops/k8s-scripts
export PATH="$(PWD)/node_modules/.bin:$PATH"

Then in your top-level project directory:


Config file

k8s-scripts all function based on a simple bash config file in the root of your project directory named 'k8s-scripts.config'.

# Dockerfile to build

# Docker tag that will be created

# Cluster Namespace to work in

# List of files ending in '.configmap.yml' in the kube directory

# List of files ending in '.secret.yml' in the kube directory

# List of secrets to pull from S3

# List of files ending in '.persistent_volume.yml' in the kube directory

# List of files ending in '.persistent_volume_claim.yml' in the kube directory

# List of files ending in '.service.yml' in the kube directory

# List of files ending in '.endpoint.yml' in the kube directory

# List of files ending in '.ingress.yml' in the kube directory

# List of files ending in '.deployment.yml' in the kube directory

# List of files ending in '.job.yml' in the kube directory

# List of files ending in '.blockingjob.yml' in the kube directory

Generating a config

There is a k8s-example-config script that will output an example config for you.

k8s-example-config Outputs an example config to k8s-scripts.config

k8s-example-config -o k8s-scripts.prod.config Outputs an example config to the filename specified by -o flag.

Supporting multiple environments

All scripts take an -f configfile option that allows you to specify which configuration file to use.

We recommend having the default, k8s-scripts.config, setup for your minikube environment, then specify <env>.conf for each of your environments.

deploy directory

Your kubernetes API object files should all be stored in the /deploy top level directory using consistent naming:

  • Deployments end in deployment.yml
  • Secrets end in secret.yml
  • ConfigMaps end in configmap.yml
  • Persistent Volumes end in persistent_volume.yml
  • Persistent Volume Claims end in persistent_volume_claim.yml
  • Services end in service.yml
  • Blocking Jobs end in blockingjob.yml
  • Jobs end in job.yml
  • Ingress Resources end in ingress.yml



Does a build of the current directory `docker build --rm=false -t $DOCKERTAG -f ${BASEDIR}/$DOCKERFILE ${BASEDIR}``


Pulls from the registry the most recent build of the image. Useful for CI/CD layer caching


Pushes the recently built image to the registry.

This requires the environment variables:

  • CI_SHA1

And either CI_BRANCH or CI_TAG


kubectl apply's files in the config.

If a Docker image is used in the file then any cases of :latest will be replaced with th CI_SHA1 if it is defined. This allows a set image tag to be used when deploying from a CI system. When files that could use CI_SHA1 is are deployed, a new file will be created with that value as part of the filename.

Leverages kubernetes annotations with --record when creating objects.


Verifies your deployment was successful within a specified timeout.


Combines k8s-deploy and k8s-verify into a single command. This can be used to keep a smaller script/deployment config and for backwards compatibility.


Nukes everything defined in your k8s-scripts config file.


Generates a kubernetes secrets YAML file from the contents of a path within an S3 bucket. This will copy files from ${S3_BUCKET}/${NAMESPACE}/${SECRET} and generate a file into deploy/${SECRET}.secret.yaml, suitable for deployment with k8s-deploy.

This script assumes that aws-cli is installed and that AWS credentials with appropriate permissions are available to the CLI.

Example permissions:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Action": [
          "Resource": [

Secrets across clusters in the same namespace are not easily supported with this method as cluster names are not used. If you need to use the same namespace across different clusters (kube-system for example) then you should create separate buckets.


Switches to the minikube kubectl context, builds a Docker image from your current directory within the minikube Docker environment.


Switches the minikube kubectl context, then runs k8s-deploy


Switches to the minikube kubectl context and deletes all of the objects associated with the k8s-scripts.config


Switches to the minikube kubectl context and prints out the accessible ip:port of any services defined in the config file that are accessible from your local machine


Switches to the minikube kubectl context and prints all the accessible ip:port of all services that are accessible from your local machine


Makes sure kubectl is installed and available for use. Customize the version by specifying the KUBECTL_VERSION envrionmental variable. Default: v1.3.6.


  • In your Deployment file, specify imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent


This repo follows the ReactiveOps release process. Before following that please update the package.json file with the new version.