
CLOOB training (JAX) and inference (JAX and PyTorch)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Pretrained models

There are two pretrained CLOOB models in this repo at the moment, a 16 epoch and a 32 epoch ViT-B/16 checkpoint trained on LAION 400M.

Zero-shot ImageNet validation set accuracy (using OpenCLIP's code):

Model name Top 1 Top 5
cloob_laion_400m_vit_b_16_16_epochs 0.61238 0.8492
cloob_laion_400m_vit_b_16_32_epochs 0.62816 0.85964
OpenAI CLIP ViT-B/32 0.6327 0.88772
OpenAI CLIP ViT-B/16 0.68132 0.91768
OpenAI CLIP ViT-L/14 0.75388 0.9454
OpenAI CLIP ViT-L/14 @ 336 px 0.76564 0.9515
OpenAI CLIP RN50 0.59806 0.86498
OpenAI CLIP RN101 0.62296 0.88106
OpenAI CLIP RN50x4 0.66268 0.9046
OpenAI CLIP RN50x16 0.70754 0.92822
OpenAI CLIP RN50x64 0.74134 0.94146


from cloob_training import model_pt, pretrained



['cloob_laion_400m_vit_b_16_16_epochs', 'cloob_laion_400m_vit_b_16_32_epochs']

The models can be used by:

config = pretrained.get_config('cloob_laion_400m_vit_b_16_16_epochs')
model = model_pt.get_pt_model(config)
checkpoint = pretrained.download_checkpoint(config)
model.load_state_dict(model_pt.get_pt_params(config, checkpoint))

Model class attributes:

model.config: the model config dict.

model.image_encoder: the image encoder, which expects NCHW batches of normalized images (preprocessed by model.normalize), where C = model.config['image_encoder']['input_channels'] and H, W = model.config['image_encoder']['image_size'].

model.text_encoder: the text encoder, which expects text tokenized by model.tokenize.

model.normalize: the preprocessor for image tensors.

model.tokenize: the preprocessor for text.


Coming soon...

Training (JAX only)

Coming soon...