
Primary LanguagePython


Jax port of the original PyTorch implementation of LPIPS. The current version supports pretrained AlexNet and VGG16, and pretrained linear layers.

Kat experimental branch, TODO: update README


pip install lpips-jax


For replicate=False:

import lpips_jax
import numpy as np

images_0 = np.random.randn(4, 224, 224, 3)
images_1 = np.random.randn(4, 224, 224, 3)

lpips = lpips_jax.LPIPSEvaluator(replicate=False, net='alexnet') # ['alexnet', 'vgg16']
out = lpips(images_0, images_1)

For replicate=True

import lpips_jax
import numpy as np
import jax

n_devices = jax.local_device_count()
images_0 = np.random.randn(n_devices, 4, 224, 224, 3)
images_1 = np.random.randn(n_devices, 4, 224, 224, 3)

# replicate=True is the default setting
lpips = lpips_jax.LPIPSEvaluator(net='alexnet') # ['alexnet', 'vgg16]
out = lpips(images_0, images_1) # internally calls jax.pmap