
A small in-terminal dungeon crawler written in Haskell

Primary LanguageHaskell


How To Play

  1. Enter the directory containing the Vauxhall binary file
  2. Run it using "./Vauxhall Name" (Substituting "Name" for your players name)

Ex: ./Vauxhall Henning

Play with your Terminal window in fullscreen to avoid rendering issues


  • wasd or hjkl - movement
  • , - picks up item currently standing on
  • o + a direction key - opens door in specified direction
  • c + a direction key - closes door in specified direction
  • i - Displays your current inventory (press another key to close)
  • < or > - Goes up or down a floor (respectively) if you are standing on that character
  • f - Displays your characters stats
  • r - Rests and heals your character


Beginning of the game:

Picking a class:

Enter the first level:

Checking our stats:

Down to the second level:

When you die or quit:
