
A Dockerfile for building rust code for the PS2 using prussia

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Creates a docker image for developing ps2 applications with prussia.

It is based on the ps2dev-docker project developed by Naomi Peori. I switched it back from an alpine to a debian base simply because that’s what I’m more comfortable developing with.


  • Build with docker build -t prussia .
  • Run with docker run -v$PWD:/build prussia


This isn’t as neat as using ps2dev-docker, since running a new container means installing project-specific cargo dependencies. It would be preferable to create one container from the prussia image and re-use that when doing incremental builds.


  • Is it redundant to install ps2-toolchain and binutils?
  • Better handle sourcing from .cargo/env
  • Switch base back to alpine to reduce size?