
built in react and meteor

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Develop a functional shopping cart e-commerce site with as much of the below functionality as possible in the available time.it is not necessary for the solution to process payments.


  • Product list and details should be retrieved via api to get them from a database
  • It should be possible to both rate products and add comments about the products
  • Comments should be restricted to a maximum of 350 characters
  • View multiple products and add them to the shopping cart
  • Add remove items from the shopping cart and change the quantity of items in the shopping cart
  • The shopping cart should display and calculate individual item prices and a total price of the items in the cart. The state of the shopping cart should also keep its state if the browser is closed and reopened

Learning focus

  • Understand state and props better, I feel like I made some poor choices about the structure differences between CartList and the Products.
  • Look at other code examples of carts to see how I could have planned the build better (started by using the state functions rather that adding them afterwards)
  • Re-read the faker documentation for tweaks to the product generation (more suitable pictures, not a huge problem with dummy data but still something that should be addressed)


I should have planned out the components first