
The EmployeesApi project allows users to create, read, update, and delete employees in the Db2 sample employee table (DSN8B10.EMP).


To be able to connect to your Db2 instance in which you have the employee table sample installed you must first configure a <zosconnect_db2connection /> in this project. Create a file named db2.xml in the directory ./src/main/liberty/config. Copy and customize the following contents into this file.

        <!-- This enables the db2 functionality -->

    <!-- This is the SAF user and password which will be used to connect to Db2 -->
    <zosconnect_credential userName="${DB2_USERNAME}" password="${DB2_PASSWORD}" id="commonCredentials"/>

    <!-- This is the host and port for the connection which will be used to connect to Db2 -->
    <zosconnect_db2connection id="db2Conn" host="${DB2_HOST}" port="${DB2_PORT}" credentialRef="commonCredentials"/> 

The variables (e.g. ${DB2_USERNAME}) values must be provided as environment variables when the designer image is started. The provided environment variable values will then be substituted in when the connection is used.


The operations and paths available in the API are as follows:

  • GET | PUT | DELETE : /employees/{id}
  • GET | POST : /employees

Review EmployeesApi/src/main/api/openapi.yaml for the full API description.