
Seti_UI Port for ST3.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


SublimeText 3 Theme & ColorScheme Port of Seti_UI & Syntax by jesseweed

Seti Screenshot


  • Any thing less than 'ST3 Build 3062' wont get the sidebar icons to work.

  • if you used any of the resources in this repo into your own release ,plz appreciate the hard work and mention the original authors.

  • A New/Better syntax Highlight released under Seti_UX.

  • Seti_JetBrains by zchee 🎩.


Via Package Control

Theme is listed as Seti_UI on Will Bond's Sublime Package Control.


  1. Download the .zip.

  2. Unzip and rename the folder to Seti_UI.

  3. Copy the folder into Packages directory, which you can find using the menu item Preferences -> Browse Packages... in Sublime Text.

  4. copy the (+res/fold.png) "or edit it to ur liking" to Packages/Theme - Default to override the _focken default yellow icon.


Activate the Theme and Color-Scheme by modifying your user preferences file, which you can find using the menu item Preferences -> Settings - User in Sublime Text or use Schemr & Themr by Ben Weier.

Example settings

  "theme": "Seti.sublime-theme",
  "color_scheme": "Packages/Seti_UI/Scheme/Seti.tmTheme",


Themr have an option call Themr: Toggle Theme Settings to change theme settings on-the-fly , or manually add what you need from below.

  "Seti_no_bar_undertabs": true,          // remove the 4px bar under the tabs
  "Seti_tabs_small": true,                // tabs height = 35
  "Seti_tabs_med": true,                  // tabs height = 40

  "Seti_ClosedFolder_same": true,         // same icon as the Opened_folder
  "Seti_ClosedFolder_remove": true,       // remove closed_folder icon
  "Seti_ClosedFolder_dots": true,         // change closed_folder icon to dot

  "Seti_SB_med": true,                    // scrollbars width / height = 6
  "Seti_SB_big": true,                    // scrollbars width / height = 10
  "Seti_SB_bright": true,                 // brighter color for scrollbars

  "Seti_sb_small_padding": true,          // sidebar entries padding = 3
  "Seti_sb_big_padding": true,            // sidebar entries padding = 10

  "Seti_sb_tree_med": true,               // sidebar tree padding = 15
  "Seti_sb_tree_small": true,             // sidebar tree padding = 10

  "Seti_sb_tree_tiny": true,              // check (issues/88)
  "Seti_sb_tree_miny": true,              // check (issues/88)

  "Seti_pad_5": true,                     // use with line_padding_bottom / line_padding_top = 5
  "Seti_pad_3": true,                     // use with line_padding_bottom / line_padding_top = 3

  "Seti_sb_wild": true,                   // experiment for sidebar
  "Seti_rainbow": true,                   // something different
  "Seti_in_4_a_treat": true,              // something crazy


Differences from the original

  • No file icon in the opened tabs, ST lacks this.

  • Not as icon rich as the original because ST can't see anything other than Extensions ,and even thou its still hard to make it use the icon you want. ( A work around has been added on v7 )

  • Some scopes have different colors in Atom like the : ,this is related to the tmLanguage file in ST ,also note that Atom sometimes will display a different color than ST "even if the scope name matches in both editors".

  • Current line number highlight color, ST lacks this.

  • Everything else is basically the same as the original except for a couple of UI colors.

Issue A Ticket

  1. what version of ST are you using ? (nothing lower than 3062).

  2. have you restarted ST after you installed the theme ?.

  3. if you still have bad render ,have you removed the cache folder ? (found right next to the packages folder).

  4. have you copied the files from the "Ext" folder to your User folder ?.