
PSoC6 based AIO FC, whoop size

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PSoC6 based AIO FC, whoop size

Overall specs:

  • 1-3S, 40 A (80 A for 5 sec)
  • main controller: CY8C6347BZI-BLD34, dual core (144 MHz M4F + 72 MHz M0+)
  • blackbox flash: 8 MB
  • IMU: ICM-20602
  • at least 3 serial interfaces (UART or I2C), including one invertible UART
  • USB
  • BLE
  • 4 LEDs
  • SWD pads
  • gate drivers: NCP81253 or NCP81161
  • FETs: PSMN1R8-30MLH
  • current sensor: IMU185A2 (50V/V); shunt: Vishay WSKW0612, 0m5

Design goals:

  • most hard to assemble components (PSoC, most other ICs and small components) are on the bottom layer with sufficient wiggle room for manual placement
  • smallest package: 0402
  • easy to solder components (large caps for example) are on the top layer. If it can be soldered with an iron, it's on the top
  • ready to fly once the flight controller firmware (whichever that happens to be) is ported
  • FETs are chosen to be sufficiently robust for ESC algorithm development

PCB Design rules:

  • 6 layers
  • 0.1 mm traces, 0.1 mm gap
  • 0.2 mm / 0.4 mm vias
  • no via-in-pad or other special via technologies required
  • castellations on 4 edges
  • stackup: (top) signal - gnd - power - power - gnd - signal (bot)

Design files provided:

  • KiCad project
  • schematic pdf
  • gerbers
  • BOM
  • tbd: assembly helper pdfs
  • tbd: SWD jig design