
Dummy http-server for testing purposes

Primary LanguagePHP

Dummy http-server for testing purposes

You can test parts of your application which calls the remote APIs with this. This service gets your http-requests and tries to read files from defined directory. The name of file (content of this file will be response) must be the same as http-request path, but every slash must will be translated as dash.

If file with this name exists, it contents will be the body of response.

How to run

You can run it directly as console command. Clone the repository and type this

bin/console app:web-server -vv

This will run server with default parameters.

Also you can run it as docker-container

docker run -it --rm git.crtweb.ru:4567/creative-packages/dummy-http-server/server:latest

or build it by yourself

docker build -t server:latest -f docker/Dockerfile .


  data-dir              Directory with files for responses [default: "responses"]

  -p, --port[=PORT]     Port for listening [default: 8080]
      --host[=HOST]     Interface for listening [default: ""]
  -h, --help            Display this help message
  -q, --quiet           Do not output any message
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose  Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

Default properties

  • All responses will contains Content-type: application/json header, if you are not provide the Accept header with another type. If you are, response header Content-type will be the same as request header Accept.
  • If request path not have a extension (path/to/something, not path/to/something.json) the server will search file with .json extension.

For example

Remote API have to respond with JSON like

      "city": "New York",
      "state": "New York",
      "street": "Manhattan",
      "is_confirmed": true

for request /api/get-confirmed-places.

Place this json to file responses/api-get-confirmed-places.json (json is default extension for file when request has not an extension), run the server and send curl request to it:

curl -X POST -D - -H "Origin: https://my-host.org" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  http://localhost:8080/api/get-confirmed-places -d '{"some-data":"foo-bar"}'

As you can see, the body of response is the same as contents of file.

If file with target name not will be found, you will receive the 404-response.

Future plans

  • Add possibility to throw exceptions from responses;
  • Add possibility to receive special response headers;
  • Add possibility to get streamed responses;