
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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Tests runner

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt 0.4 - 1.

npm install grunt-testcafe --save-dev

One the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "testcafe" task


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named testcafe to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

    testcafe: {
        test: {
            options: {
                files: ["tests/*.test.js"],
                browsers: ["chrome"]

Advanced example:

    testcafe: {
        test: {
            options: {
                files: ["tests/*.test.js"],
                browsers: ["firefox", "chrome"],
                takeScreenshotsOnFail: true,
                screenshotsPath: "tests/screenshots",
                filter: (testName, fixtureName, fixturePath) => {
                    const testNameFilter = testName.match(
                        new RegExp(grunt.option("testName"))
                    const fixtureNameFilter = fixtureName.match(
                        new RegExp(grunt.option("fixtureName"))
                    const fixturePathFilter = fixturePath.match(
                        new RegExp(grunt.option("fixturePath"))
                    return (
                        testNameFilter && fixtureNameFilter && fixturePathFilter



Type: Array

Default: []

Details: Configures the test runner to run tests from the specified files.


Type: Array

Default: []

Details: Specifying Browsers for Test Task

Configures the test runner to run tests in the specified browsers.



Type: Number

Default: 1

Details: Specifies that tests should run concurrently.


Type: Array

Default: ['spec']

Details: Reporters

Specifies the reporter. Output file can be passed along with reporter name by colon (:) separator. Example
reporters: ['json:report.json', 'xunit:report.xml']


Type: function(testName, fixtureName, fixturePath)

Default: null

Details: runner.filter

Allows you to manually select which tests should be run.


Type: String

Default: null

Details: Screenshots path

The path to which the screenshots will be saved. Enables the test runner to take screenshots of the tested webpages.


Type: String

Default: null

Details: Screenshots path pattern

Specifies a custom pattern to compose screenshot files' relative path and name. This pattern overrides the default path pattern.


Type: Boolean

Default: false

Details: Take screenshots on fail

Specifies if screenshots should be taken automatically whenever a test fails. Requires that the screenshotsPath is set.


Type: Boolean

Default: false

Details: Skip JS errors

Defines whether to continue running a test after a JavaScript error occurs on a page (true), or consider such a test failed (false).


Type: Boolean

Default: false

Defines whether to enable the quarantine mode.


Type: Number

Default: 10000

Details: Selector timeout

Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, within which selectors make attempts to obtain a node to be returned.


Type: Number

Default: 3000

Details: Assertion options

Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, within which TestCafe makes attempts to successfully execute an assertion if a selector property or a client function was passed as an actual value.


Type: Number

Default: 1

Details : Speed factor

Specifies the speed of test execution. Should be a number between 1 (the fastest) and 0.01 (the slowest).


Type: Object { command, initDelay }

Default: { initDelay: 1000 }

Details : startApp

Specifies a shell command that will be executed before running tests. Use it to launch or deploy the application that will be tested.


Type: String

Default: null

Details : proxy

Specifies the proxy server used in your local network to access the Internet. You can also specify authentication credentials with the proxy host.


The MIT License