
The project

The purpose of this project is to discover unreal and more precisely how to make a multiplayer game with unreal engine 4, we decided to use the advanced session plugin which, according to our research, offers better performance and stability than the native tools provided by unreal.

The game

For this game we went on a side scroller in which the objective will be to achieve a series of obstacles to be the first to reach the end point. We have created several different environments where you will pass as the level progresses such as the forest, the cellar, the snow, etc.. You will also find features such as moving platforms, portals, spikes and much more.

Key binding

In order to simplify the use of our game for as many people as possible we have decided to implement different key controls. For qwerty keyboard users you will be able to use the w,a,s,d keys to move on the ground, and for azerty keyboard users you will be able to use the arrows on the keyboard to move.

Then for the common keys there are:

SPACE: jump R: go back to the last checkpoint recovered Q: go to the pause menu

And then for those who want to test the game and its features we have left some cheat keys which are:

M: to make the teleportation circle appear B: to teleport to the beginning of the game

How to play

If you have unreal engine you can simply clone this repo and import it into unreal engine

Otherwise if you don't have unreal engine to run the project we have exported and uploaded a version that you can download from this link: https://we.tl/t-wC6WzWnqfM


If you have any question or issue with this game you can contact one of us on our mail address

Alexis WALTER: alexis.walter@epitech.eu

Jean-gaël CHOPPE: jean-gael.choppe@epitech.eu

Clément SCHMITTE: clement.schmitte@epitech.eu

Clément RUFFINONI: clement.ruffinoni@epitech.eu