

The fizzbuzz project is a modern twist on the classic fizz-buzz game. Traditionally, the game replaces all numbers from 1 to 100 where multiples of 3 are substituted by "fizz", multiples of 5 by "buzz", and multiples of 15 by "fizzbuzz". The output would then look like: "1,2,fizz,4,buzz,fizz,7,...". This project offers a web server that exposes a REST API endpoint allowing users to customize the fizz-buzz rule.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Docker Setup: This project uses docker-compose. Ensure that Docker is installed on your machine. Navigate to the project directory and run:

    make docker
  3. Testing the API: It's recommended to test the API with the "ping" route to ensure everything is running smoothly.

    curl http://localhost:8080/ping


The project uses a Makefile to simplify the build process. The following commands are available:

  • make docker: Builds the project and runs it in a detached docker container.
    • Note : After running this command, the logs of the API will be displayed in the terminal. To stop this behavior, press Ctrl + C; the container will continue to run in the background.
  • make test: Runs the unit tests locally.
    • Note : The command will make a go mod vendor before running the tests. This is to ensure that the tests are run with the correct dependencies.
  • make doc : Generates, locally, the documentation for the project.
    • Note : Open the 'coverage.html' file in the root project directory to view the coverage report.
  • make clean: Removes the local generated files.

API Endpoints

1. Play FizzBuzz

  • Endpoint: /play
  • Method: POST
  • Body:
        "number1": <int64>,
        "number2": <int64>,
        "replace1": <string>,
        "replace2": <string>,
        "limit": <int64>
  • Response:
        "result": <string>

2. Get Most Used Request

  • Endpoint: /most-used
  • Method: GET
  • Response:
        "int1": <int64>,
        "int2": <int64>,
        "hints": <int64>

3. Ping

  • Endpoint: /ping
  • Method: GET
  • Response:
        "message": "pong"


  1. Is it possible for the initial setup to take some time (about 3-5 mins). MySQL 8.0 needs to be downloaded and initialized. The database schema is then created and the project is compiled.
  2. The fizzbar project has a "performance mode". When the limit is above 10 000, the API switch his algorithm to a more performant one with parallelism. This mode is activated by default but can be disabled by setting disable_performance to true in the body of the request. In both case, the result is unchanged.