
Laravel Bundle for Stripe OAuth Library to perform OAuth Authentication into Stripe.com

Primary LanguagePHP

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Laravel Bundle for Stripe OAuth Library to perform OAuth Authentication into Stripe.com


PHP library which helps perform an OAuth2 flow for Stripe, which is used when creating and interacting with a Stripe Application.

Why I made this

While integration the Stripe API (for our new payment flow at Skillshare), I found one thing specifically lacking.
That was, a way to initiate an OAuth flow for a Stripe Application, and to access needed data, in PHP.

While it could be done manually by initiating a curl call (as can be seen in this gist, which was posted fairly recently), I wanted to make use of an established OAuth library to make sure I wasn't recreating the wheel.


Both StripeOAuth.class.php and StripeOAuth2Client.class.php must be loaded.
StripeOAuth2Client.class.php has the class OAuth2Client as a dependency.
For that, please see quizlet's oauth2-php library.

Quick Example

Assuming you've got all your files loaded, you should get pretty far with the following:


    // redirect to proper application OAuth url
    $oauth = (new StripeOAuth(
    $url = $oauth->getAuthorizeUri();
    header('Location: ' . ($url));

    // ...

    // from the callback, after a person has linked their Stripe account with your Stripe application
    $oauth = (new StripeOAuth(
    $token = $oauth->getAccessToken($_GET['code']);
    $key = $oauth->getPublishableKey($_GET['code']);
    echo 'Access token: ' . ($token) . '<br />Key: ' . ($key);

The code parameter is accessed from the _GET array, as after a person connects their Stripe account to your Stripe application, this code is passed along in the url. In most conventional applications, this is more-or-less an request token, and we use it to get an access token, and subsequently all the data we want.


Will update this page shortly with a few more examples on some of the more advanced workings of the Stripe OAuth flow.
