RssAtomBundle is a Bundle for Symfony made to easily access and deliver JSON / RSS / Atom feeds. It is built on top of feed-io and features:
- Detection of the feed format (JSON / RSS / Atom)
- enclosures support
- A generic StreamController built to write all your feeds. This controller is able to send a 304 HTTP Code if the feed didn't change since the last visit
- HTTP Headers support when reading feeds in order to save network traffic
- Content filtering to fetch only the newest items
- multiple feeds writing
- Ability to use doctrine as a data source
- PSR compliant logging
- DateTime detection and conversion
- Guzzle Client integration
Keep informed about new releases and incoming features :
You can try rss-atom-bundle through its Demo.
As a Symfony Bundle, RssAtomBundle must be installed using Composer. If you do not know Composer, please refer to its website:
Activate Symfony's contrib recipes and use Composer to require the bundle :
composer config extra.symfony.allow-contrib true
composer require debril/rss-atom-bundle
That's it. To check the installation, you can start your application and hit http://localhost:8000/rss in your browser. You should see a mock RSS stream.
Install the bundle using Composer :
composer require debril/rss-atom-bundle
Add the bundle's routing configuration in app/config/routing.yml :
resource: "@DebrilRssAtomBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
Edit your app/AppKernel.php to register the bundle in the registerBundles() method as above:
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
new Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\FrameworkBundle(),
// ...
// register the bundle here
new Debril\RssAtomBundle\DebrilRssAtomBundle(),
rss-atom-bundle is designed to read feeds across the internet and to publish your own using feed-io feed-io provides two interfaces, each one being dedicated to feed's consuming and publishing :
- FeedInterface to handle the feed
- ItemInterface to handle feed's items
To read a feed you need to use the feedio
service which provides two methods for that : read()
and readSince()
. This service is based upon FeedIo.
is designed to give a brand new Feed instance or any object of your own, as long as it implements the FeedInterface interface. It takes three arguments :
: URL of the RSS/Atom feed you want to read (eg:$feed
(optional) : a FeedInterface instance. The default is a new\FeedIo\Feed
(optional) : the last time you read this feed. This is useful to fetch only the articles which were published after your last hit.
Wherever you have access to the service container :
// get feedio
$feedIo = $this->container->get('feedio');
// this date is used to fetch only the latest items
$modifiedSince = new \DateTime($date);
// the feed you want to read
$url = 'http://host.tld/feed';
// now fetch its (fresh) content
$feed = $feedIo->read($url, new \Acme\Entity\Feed, $modifiedSince)->getFeed();
foreach ( $feed as $item ) {
echo "item title : {$item->getTitle()} \n ";
// getMedias() returns enclosures if any
$medias = $item->getMedias();
fetches the feed hosted at $url
and removes items prior to $modifiedSince
. If it is the first time you read this feed, then you must specify a date far enough in the past to keep all the items. This method does not loop until the $modifiedSince
is reached, it justs performs one hit and filters the response to keep only the fresh articles.
helps you get a \FeedIo\Feed
without creating its instance :
// get feedio
$feedIo = $this->container->get('feedio');
// this date is used to fetch only the latest items
$modifiedSince = new \DateTime($date);
// the feed you want to read
$url = 'http://host.tld/feed';
// now fetch its (fresh) content
$feed = $feedIo->readSince($url, $modifiedSince)->getFeed();
RssAtomBundle offers the ability to provide JSON/RSS/Atom feeds. The route will match the following pattern : /{format}/{contentId}
- {format} must be "rss" or "atom" (or whatever you want if you add the good routing rule in routing.yml)
- {contentId} is an optional argument. Use it you have several feeds
The request will be handled by StreamController
, according to the following steps :
- 1 : grabs the ModifiedSince header if it exists
- 2 : creates an
instance holding the request's parameters (contentId if it exists) - 3 : gets the provider defined in services.yml and calls the
getFeedContent(Options $options)
method - 4 : compare the feed's LastModified property with the ModifiedSince header
- 5 : if LastModified is prior or equal to ModifiedSince then the response contains only a "NotModified" header and the 304 code. Otherwise, the stream is built and sent to the client
StreamController expects the getFeedContent()'s return value to be a FeedInterface instance. It can be a FeedIo\Feed
or a class you wrote and if so, your class MUST implement \FeedIo\FeedInterface
interface FeedInterface extends \Iterator, NodeInterface
* This method MUST return the feed's full URL
* @return string
public function getUrl();
* @param string $url
* @return FeedInterface
public function setUrl($url);
// Full source can be read in the repository .......
Now, how to plug the StreamController
with the provider of your choice ? The easiest way is to override the debril.provider.default
service with your own in services.xml :
<service id="debril.provider.default" class="Namespace\Of\Your\Class">
<argument type="service" id="doctrine" />
Your class just needs to implement the FeedContentProviderInterface
interface :
interface FeedContentProviderInterface
* @param \Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver $params
* @return \FeedIo\FeedInterface
* @throws \Debril\RssAtomBundle\Exception\FeedNotFoundException
public function getFeedContent(Options $options);
If the reclaimed feed does not exist, you just need to throw a FeedNotFoundException to make the StreamController answer with a 404 error. Otherwise, getFeedContent(Options $options)
must return a \FeedIo\FeedInterface
instance. Then, the controller properly turns the object into a XML stream.
More information on the FeedContentProviderInterface interface and how to interface rss-atom-bundle directly with doctrine can be found in the Providing Feeds section
It could happen that according to the order of the bundles registered in AppKernel
, this override procedures do not work properly. This happens when a bundle is registered before rss-atom-bundle
In this case, you should use the Symfony CompilerPass
as reported in the documentation.
use Vendor\Bundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\OverrideRssAtomBundleProviderCompilerPass;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\Bundle;
class VendorBundle extends Bundle
public function build(ContainerBuilder $container)
$container->addCompilerPass(new OverrideRssAtomBundleProviderCompilerPass());
and Vendor/Bundle/DependencyInjection/Compiler/OverrideRssAtomBundleProviderCompilerPass.php
use Vendor\Bundle\Provider\FeedProvider;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler\CompilerPassInterface;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Reference;
class OverrideRssAtomBundleProviderCompilerPass implements CompilerPassInterface
public function process(ContainerBuilder $container)
$definition = $container->getDefinition('debril.provider.default');
$definition->addArgument(new Reference('my.service1'));
$definition->addArgument(new Reference('my.service2'));
You can follow either services.xml
or CompilerPass
but with services, you have to pay attention to bundles registration order.
The HTTP cache handling can be annoying during development process, you can skip it through configuration in your app/config/config.yml file :
force_refresh: true
This way, the StreamController
will always display your feed's content and return a 200 HTTP code.
You may have private feeds, user-specific or behind some authentication.
In that case, you don't want to Cache-Control: public
header to be added, not to have your feed cached by a reverse-proxy (such as Symfony AppCache or Varnish).
You can do so by setting private
parameter to true
in config:
private: true
Some feeds use date formats which are not compliant with the specifications. You can fix this by adding the format in your configuration
# app/config/config.yml
- 'Y/M/d'
Need to keep the existing routes and add one mapped to a different FeedProvider ? add it own in your routing file :
<route id="your_route_name" pattern="/your/route/{contentId}">
<default key="_controller">DebrilRssAtomBundle:Stream:index</default>
<default key="format">rss</default>
<default key="source">your.provider.service</default>
The source
parameter must contain a valid service name defined in your application.
Do this if you want to contribute (and you're welcome to do so):
git clone
composer.phar install --dev
You can run the unit test suites using the following command in the Bundle's source director: