The Building TimeSeries (BTS) dataset covers three buildings over a three-year period, comprising more than ten thousand timeseries data points with hundreds of unique ontologies. Moreover, the metadata is standardized using the Brick schema.
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- aprbw
- bfw930Sydney, Australia
- nkapila6sitting somewhere in front of a computer
- cmiller8Singapore
- KornkamonTantiwanitThailand
- mobile-chicken
- ElaineAkatsuki
- chulhongsungChangwon, South Korea
- joetmFinland
- cfeng783Beijing
- yydxlvBeiJing
- fnao
- alishakiba
- Kongbaiyyue
- hzchiangTianjin, China
- wathaifi
- creatiai
- tansuozhe02
- Arvind-55555Hyderabad, India
- schaefer-iib-tu-darmstadt
- reachsakBlacksburg, Virginia
- rcbevansSnoqualmie, WA
- jeanmarcalkazziMunich, Germany
- Hey-Guobaorou
- DandelightChengdu, China
- KrishnaPG
- rht95
- vdermMontreal
- xenonhe
- JeffCarpenterCanada