
Multi-genome alignment contaminant screen for high-throughput sequence data

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Multi-genome alignment (MGA) contaminant screen for DNA/RNA sequencing data

MGA is a quality control tool for high-throughput sequencing data. It screens for contaminants by aligning sequence reads in FASTQ format to a series of reference genomes using bowtie and to a set of adapter sequences using exonerate.

MGA samples a subset of the reads, by default 100000, prior to alignment against reference genome sequences and adapters, providing a fast screen for unexpected sequence content by limiting the computational effort. Sequence reads are trimmed to 36 bases by default, prior to alignment to the reference genomes, with the aim of minimizing the run time and ensuring consistency of the resulting mapping and error rates across sequencing runs with differing read lengths. Full length reads are used for matching adapter sequences to pick up adapter read-through for DNA/RNA fragments that are shorter than the read length.

mga2 is a rewrite of the original MGA in which the workflow has been ported to Nextflow, sampling of FASTQ records (the rate limiting step for very large datasets such as NovaSeq S4 flow cells) has been rewritten in Rust, and summarization and plotting have been rewritten using R. mga2 was developed by the Bioinformatics Core at the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute (CRUK CI) to support the genome sequencing operation run by the Genomics Core facility.


  1. Install Nextflow

    curl -s https://get.nextflow.io | bash

  2. Create a reference data directory and copy or create links to bowtie indexes and create a genome metadata file named genomes.csv

  3. Create a sample sheet named samplesheet.csv specifying the FASTQ files for each sample or dataset and the expected species and/or controls

  4. Create a configuration file named mga.config specifying parameter settings

  5. Run MGA specifying the configuration file and, optionally, a release version and an execution profile

    nextflow run crukci-bioinformatics/mga2 -r 2.0.7 -c mga.config -profile cluster

Installing MGA

MGA is downloaded and run using the Nextflow workflow engine. Dependencies, including bowtie and exonerate, are packaged as a Docker container that can be run using either Docker or Singularity. The container is also downloaded by Nextflow. The only requirements are a recent version of Nextflow and either Docker or Singularity. Nextflow requires Java 8 or above and can be installed as shown in the Quickstart section above. See the Nextflow documentation for more details.

Installing a specific release of MGA

Using the latest stable release of MGA is recommended. A specific version of MGA can be installed using nextflow pull as follows:

nextflow pull crukci-bioinformatics/mga2 -r 2.0.7

When a specific version of MGA is installed in this way the revision also needs to be specified when running the pipeline using nextflow run.

nextflow run crukci-bioinformatics/mga2 -r 2.0.7 -c mga.config -profile myprofile

Run nextflow info to view details about the currently installed version.

nextflow info crukci-bioinformatics/mga2

Updating MGA

The latest snapshot of MGA will be downloaded and run if no revision is specified using the -r or -revision command line option when running MGA for the first time. Subsequent runs will use this snapshot version but Nextflow detects if there have been revisions to MGA since then and displays a message such as the following:

NOTE: Your local project version looks outdated - a different revision is available in the remote repository [961d1d72a2]

Run the following command to update MGA to the latest revision on the master branch:

nextflow pull crukci-bioinformatics/mga2 -r master


Dependencies, including bowtie, exonerate, R (tidyverse, optparse and svglite packages) and FASTQ sampling and splitting tools, are packaged in a Docker image that will be downloaded automatically by Nextflow.

MGA can be run without a container engine by installing the following components and tools.


  • bowtie 1.3.0 (not bowtie2)
  • exonerate 2.4.0
  • R 4.0.3 or above and the following packages
    • tidyverse
    • optparse
    • svglite
  • sample-fastq and trim-and-split-fastq tools which are written in Rust and can be compiled and installed by cloning the GitHub repository and running cargo install

Configuring MGA

MGA requires a sample sheet file, a set of reference genomes indexed for bowtie, a metadata file providing some details about these genomes and a FASTA file containing a set of adapter sequences. The adapters file used by default is provided by MGA.

Sample sheet

The sample sheet is a CSV file providing details about different samples, pools or lanes to be screened with MGA. It contains one row for each dataset, typically a sample or a lane of sequencing. It must contain the columns described in the following table.

Column Description Example
id Sample name or dataset identifier (must be unique within this sample sheet) SLX-19791
fastq Name or path (relative or absolute) for the FASTQ file(s) fastq/SLX-19791.*.r1.fq.gz
species Name of species in this sample/dataset (can be a list separated by '|') human
controls Name of any spike-in controls present in this dataset phix

Multiple species or controls can be specified for each dataset, provided as a list separated by the '|' character.

The fastq column can contain relative or absolute paths or may contain just the names of the FASTQ files with the FASTQ directory specified using the --fastqDir command line option or with the fastqDir parameter in a config file. MGA will prepend the fastqDir parameter, if set, to all FASTQ file names or paths given in the fastq column.

A pattern matching multiple FASTQ files can be specified using the wildcard character, '*'.

The following example is a sample sheet for a 4-lane flow cell.


This run contains two multiplexed pools of sequencing libraries with the first pool run on lanes 1 - 3 and the other on lane 4. The FASTQ files are located in a subdirectory named fastq and the wildcard character is used to include all matching FASTQ files. Note that records are sampled from the second read ('r_2') of each lane in this case as these pools contain 10x Genomics single cell RNA-seq libraries. The SLX-20261 pool contains libraries from both human and mouse samples so both are included as expected species. A PhiX control has been spiked into each lane.

Parameter settings

MGA has a number of configuration settings. Run MGA with the --help option to see usage instructions and details of each.

nextflow run crukci-bioinformatics/mga2 --help

These can be set either as command-line options or using a configuration file. For example to set the trimming start position so that the trimmed (retained) part of the sequence to be aligned to reference genomes starts at position 21 within each sampled sequence, the trimStart parameter can be set as follows:

nextflow run crukci-bioinformatics/mga2 --trimStart 21

A more convenient way of configuring several parameters is to use a configuration file, e.g. named mga.config, an example of which is shown below.

params {
    sampleSheet    = "samplesheet.csv"
    sampleSize     = 100000
    trimStart      = 11
    trimLength     = 36
    genomeDetails  = "/reference_data/mga/genomes.csv"
    bowtieIndexDir = "/reference_data/mga/bowtie_indexes"
    outputDir      = "mga"

The configuration file is specified using the -c command line option.

nextflow run crukci-bioinformatics/mga2 -c mga.config

The following parameters can be configured.

parameter default value description
sampleSheet samplesheet.csv CSV file containing details of sample dataset (id, fastq, species and control columns required)
fastqDir Directory in which FASTQ files are located (optional, can specify absolute or relative paths in sample sheet instead)
sampleSize 100000 Number of sequences to sample for each sample/dataset
maxNumberToSampleFrom Long.MAX_VALUE Maximum number of sequences to read/sample from
chunkSize 1000000 Number of sequences in each chunk for batch alignment of sampled sequences
trimStart 1 The position at which the trimmed sequence starts, all bases before this position are trimmed
trimLength 36 The length of the trimmed sequences
genomeDetails ${projectDir}/resources/genomes.csv CSV file containing the species name and synonyms for each reference genome
bowtieIndexDir bowtie_indexes Directory containing bowtie indexes for reference genomes
adaptersFasta ${projectDir}/resources/adapters.fa FASTA file containing adapter sequences
outputDir ${launchDir} Directory to which output files are written
outputPrefix mga_ Prefix for output file names

Note that ${projectDir} and ${launchDir} are Nextflow variables that correspond to the MGA installation directory and the directory in which MGA is run respectively.

Reference data

Reference genomes (bowtie indexes)

Bowtie indexes for several species are available for download from the Bowtie website.

Alternatively, use the bowtie-build tool available as part of the bowtie installation to index as many reference genomes as you wish to align to. bowtie-build accepts a comma-separated list of FASTA files and is run as follows:

bowtie-build chr1.fa,chr2.fa,chr3.fa GRCh37

The second argument is the basename of the index files to write. A genome details file (genomes.csv) maps the basename for each indexed genome to a more user-friendly name for the species and provides synonyms used for looking up the species expected for each sample or dataset as entered in the sample sheet.

MGA looks for the bowtie indexes in a single directory. By default, MGA expects this to be called bowtie_indexes, a subdirectory within the current working directory. This should be configured to point to an appropriate directory that can be used for multiple runs of MGA on different datasets.

It is quite common for bowtie indexes to be arranged in a directory structure that contains separate directories for each genome, alongside other files such as the FASTA files for the reference genome and indexes for other aligners. The bowtie_indexes directory can be created with links to these files created using ln. Hard links may be preferable to symbolic links when using using Docker or Singularity to ensure that the indexes are accessible within the container.

Around 30 reference genomes are used when running MGA at CRUK CI. Among these are 3 collections of bacterial, viral and fungal genomes. Each of these collections contains several thousand genomes within a single bowtie index. MGA will highlight bacterial, viral or fungal contamination if such exists but inspecting the tabular alignments output file can help to more specifically identify which bacterial, viral or fungal species are implicated.

Genome metadata

Details about each genome are provided in a genome metadata file. This is a CSV file containing 3 columns: genome, species and synonyms. If not specified using the --genomeDetails command line option or setting the genomeDetails parameter in a config file, an empty file named genomes.csv in the MGA installation resources directory will be used. It is recommended to create a genomes.csv file for the set of bowtie indexes used as this will enable MGA to match genomes for the expected species and controls (e.g. PhiX) present in each dataset.

Column Description Example
genome Basename or prefix of the bowtie index dre.GRCz11
species Species name used in reports Danio rerio (zebrafish)
synonyms Synonyms used to match terms in the species and controls columns in the sample sheet Danio rerio | D rerio | D. rerio | zebrafish

Multiple synonyms for a genome are permitted, provided as a list separated by the '|' character. Synonym matching is case-insensitive.

Note that the resources/genomes.csv file contained in the MGA installation directory should not be modified; doing so will prevent updating of MGA to the latest version using the nextflow pull command (see later section); instead create a copy within a reference data directory elsewhere.

An excerpt from the genomes.csv file used at CRUK CI is shown below.

ath.TAIR10,Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress),arabidopsis_thaliana | arabidopsis thaliana | thale cress
bta.UMD3.1,Bos taurus (cow),bos_taurus | bos taurus | cow
cel.WBcel235,Caenorhabditis elegans (roundworm),caenorhabditis_elegans | caenorhabditis elegans | c elegans
cfa.CanFam3.1,Canis familiaris (dog),canis_familiaris | canis familiaris | dog
hsa.GRCh38,Homo sapiens (human),homo_sapiens | homo sapiens | human
phix.Illumina.RTA,Phi X 174,phix

The bowtie indexes directory contains indexes with prefixes matching the genome identifiers in the first column, e.g. ath.TAIR10.1.ebwt, ath.TAIR10.2.ebwt, ...

Adapter sequences

MGA provides an adapters file in FASTA format containing sequences taken from the equivalent file in FastQC.

By default, MGA will use the file provided as part of the MGA installation in its resources subdirectory. In most cases this will be sufficient but if needed a custom adapters FASTA file can be specified using the --adaptersFasta command line option or setting the adaptersFasta parameter in a config file.

Note that the resources/adapters.fa file contained in the MGA installation directory should not be modified; doing so will prevent updating of MGA to the latest version using the nextflow pull command (see later section); instead create a copy within a reference data directory elsewhere.

Running MGA

Using Docker or Singularity

MGA's dependencies are packaged as a Docker image available on Docker Hub with the name crukcibioinformatics/mga2. This can be pulled from Docker Hub using docker pull or used to build a Singularity image using singularity build but Nextflow will automatically do this if either the -with-docker or -with-singularity command line options are specified e.g.

nextflow run crukci-bioinformatics/mga2 -c mga.config -with-docker


nextflow run crukci-bioinformatics/mga2 -c mga.config -with-singularity

When using Singularity, MGA assumes that the user bind control feature is enabled and sets the singularity.autoMounts = true in the Nextflow configuration file. See the Nextflow documentation for more details on this.

Alternatively, you can specify that Docker is to be used by adding the following line to the config file:

docker.enabled = true

Similarly, to enable Singularity, instead add the following line:

singularity.enabled = true

These can also be added as part of an execution profile (see next section).


Resource settings are configured using Nextflow profiles. MGA provides three profiles - standard, bigserver and cluster configured for running on servers and the high-performance compute cluster at CRUK CI. These specify the maximum number of CPUs or memory that can be used at any one time during the pipeline run or the maximum number of jobs that can be submitted to the cluster to be run in parallel.

A custom profile can be created in the configuration file, e.g. mga.config, an example of which is shown below.

// within mga.config
profiles {
    myprofile {
        process {
            executor = 'slurm'
            queue = 'long'
        executor {
            queueSize = 25
            pollInterval = 30.sec
            jobName = { "'$task.name'" }
        singularity.enabled = true

This profile can be specified using the -profile command line option.

nextflow run crukci-bioinformatics/mga2 -c mga.config -profile myprofile

With this profile, Nextflow will submit jobs to cluster nodes using the SLURM resource manager. A maximum number of 25 jobs that will be submitted to the 'long' queue for running in parallel and Nextflow will poll every 30 seconds to check for completed jobs. Use of Singularity for running jobs using the mga2 container is enabled so it is not necessary to specify this separately with the -with-singularity option.

Nextflow reports

Nextflow can provide a useful summary report detailing the completion status, execution time and memory used by each task, and a timeline chart.

Use the -with-report and -with-timeline command line options to produce these reports when running MGA, e.g.

 nextflow run crukci-bioinformatics/mga2 -c mga.config -with-report mga.report.html -with-timeline mga.timeline.html

Nextflow log files and work directories

Nextflow logs information to a hidden file named .nextflow.log in the launch directory in which MGA is run. This can contain useful information that can help with debugging problems with running MGA. It will, for example, show which task(s) failed and the directory in which that task was run. An alternative log file name can be specified using the -log command line argument (run nextflow help for more details on Nextflow command line options).

Nextflow runs each task within its own directory. These directories are created under a directory named work. Each task run directory contains hidden files with names such as .command.sh and .command.out, which can be helpful in debugging Nextflow pipelines.

The work directories contain intermediate files produced when running MGA. The final outputs are written either to the launch directory or the directory specified using the --outputDir command line option or the outputDir parameter. The work directory can be deleted on successful completion of the MGA pipeline unless other Nextflow pipelines are also being run from the launch directory.

Output files

File Description
mga_summary.csv Summary of the number of sequences for each sample/dataset, the number sampled and the percentage aligning to the expected species and controls along with error/mismatch rates
mga_alignment_summary.csv Summary of the number of sampled sequences for each sample/dataset aligned to each genome along with error/mismatch rates, also the numbers of sequences assigned to each genome
mga_alignment_summary.png Stacked bar chart summarizing the numbers of sequences assigned to each genome
mga_alignment_summary.svg Stacked bar chart as SVG file
mga_alignment_summary.pdf Stacked bar chart as PDF file
mga_genome_alignments.tsv.gz Table containing alignments with the fewest mismatches for each of the sampled sequences
mga_adapter_alignments.tsv.gz Table containing adapter matches for each of the sampled sequences

The directory to which these files are written can be configured using the --outputDir command line option or setting the outputDir parameter if using a config file.

Additionally, it is possible to set a prefix for the file names using the --outputPrefix command line option or the outputPrefix parameter in the config file. This might be useful for prepending an identifier for the run or flow cell to the output file names, e.g.

nextflow run crukci-bioinformatics/mga2 --outputPrefix="H3MTJDRXY."

Summary plot

The summary bar chart displays two separate bars for each sample or dataset, one representing the genome alignments and the other adapter matches. The genome bar contains separate segments for each genome to which sampled reads have been assigned and a segment for unmapped reads. The sizes of the segments are based on the sampled reads and have been scaled for the total number of sequences.

The total size of the bar represents the total number of sequences; the sizes of the segments are based on the sample of reads and have been scaled accordingly. An example is shown below.

Example MGA alignment summary plot

The bars are coloured green for expected species, gold for controls and red for unexpected species, i.e. possible contaminants.

The transparency of each segment represents the error or mismatch rate for the alignments to the genome. Segments that are displayed in bolder colours if the error/mismatch rate is lower indicating that these are more likely to be real contaminants. Very light or transparent segments are of less concern as these largely consist of reads that don't align very well to any of the available genome sequences.

The magenta bar representing the adapter content is shown separately, indicating the number of reads containing a known adapter sequence.

Adapters sequences tend to occur towards the end of reads when the read length is longer than the DNA fragment being sequenced. Some reads may run into adapter but the length of the adapter sequence at the end of the read is too short to be matched.

Subsequences of reads following trimming are aligned to reference genomes using bowtie while matches to adapters are performed for the full, untrimmed read. It is possible for a read to be counted both as aligned to one or more of the reference genomes and among the reads containing adapter sequence.

MGA Design and Implementation Details

Assigning reads to genomes

Sequence reads will often align to more than one reference genome. MGA assigns reads to the genome with the fewest mismatches. If a read aligns with the same smallest number of mismatches to multiple genomes, then the following method is used to assign reads to one of the best-matching genomes.

  1. Select alignments for each read with the fewest mismatches for that read; discard the sub-optimal alignments

  2. Count the number of reads aligning to each genome, using only the 'best' alignments resulting from filtering in step 1

  3. Rank genomes in priority order based on these counts

  4. If the read aligns to one or more of the expected genomes, i.e. for a species or control specified in the sample sheet, then assign it to the expected genome with the highest rank, regardless of there being a higher-ranking genome for an unexpected species - priority is given to expected over unexpected species

  5. If the read doesn't align to one of the expected genomes, assign it to the genome with the highest rank

Trimming sequence reads

By default the first 36 bases of each sequence read are aligned to the reference genomes. Bowtie is used for genomic alignment in MGA because it is fast but part of the reason for this is that it performs an ungapped alignment. Trimming reads to 36 bases not only helps reduce the computational expense of aligning reads to multiple genomes but also offers a better chance that reads will map to their expected genomes; longer reads are more likely to require gapped alignments.

Furthermore, MGA was written primarily to support the Genomic Core Facility at CRUK CI. Trimming to a fixed sequence length allows for a more direct comparison of mapping and error rates across sequencing runs that may have very different read lengths.

While trimming to the first 36 bases of reads will work in many cases, there are some sequencing libraries in which the beginning of the read contains non-genomic tags, e.g. Unique Molecular Identifiers (UMIs) or cell hashtags in multiplexed single cell library pools. MGA provides the option for setting the start position within reads for the trimmed/retained portion of the read used for genomic alignment as well as the length of the trimmed sequence.

Reads that are too short for the specified trimming options are excluded during the sampling step. Setting trimming options inappropriately can lead to no reads being sampled.

Trimming options are specified for all samples or datasets in a single MGA run; it is not currently possible to set trimming start positions and/or lengths for each sample separately.

Note that the adapter matching using exonerate is performed for the full-length sequence, not the trimmed sequence.