
Wazimap Uganda is an interactive web platform that allows for citizens and journalists to explore, visualise, and download census data. This gives them the power to give context to stories that was otherwise hard to spot. Available at http://uganda.wazimap.org

Primary LanguagePython


The Uganda instance of Wazimap, a Django application for exploring census and other similar data.

Local development

  1. clone the repo
  2. cd wazimap_ug
  3. virtualenv --no-site-packages env
  4. pip install -r requirements.txt

Set the WAZI_PROFILE environment variable to the instance you are working on, e.g. export WAZI_PROFILE=ecd

You will need a Postgres database:

create database wazimap_ug;

Import the data into the new database:

psql -U postgres < wazimap.psql

Run migrations, and start the server:

python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver

Production deployment

See the Wazimap deployment docs for all basic Wazimap configuration.

Set the profile

dokku config:set wazimap_ug WAZI_PROFILE=<profile name>

Add dokku as a remote, and then deploy:

git push dokku


MIT License