Laravel 7 Starter Auth Multi Guard

Get Started

get Started develoing..

  1. Install vendor using
$ composer install
  1. Edit (Custom Your Own) Other Role guard for these file
  • app/Http/Controllers/Auth/LoginController
45 public function showOtherRoleLoginForm()
81 public function loginOtherRole(Request $request)
95 if ($this->attemptLogin($request, 'other_role')) {
96 return $this->sendLoginResponse($request, '/other_role/dashboard');
  • app\Http\Middleware\Authenticate
22 return route('view.login.other.role');
  • app\Http\Middleware\RedirectIfAuthenticated
25 if (Auth::guard('other_role')->check()) {
26 return redirect('/other_role/dashboard');
  • app\Models\OtherRole (also rename filename & class name)
12 protected $table = 'otherrole';
14 protected $guard = 'other_role';
  • config\auth.php
44 'other_role' => [
46 'provider' => 'other_role',
73 'other_role' => [
  • database\migrations\2020_03_25_232310_create_otherrole_table (also rename filename & class name)
16 Schema::create('otherrole', function (Blueprint $table) {
34 Schema::dropIfExists('otherrole');  
  • database\seeds\OtherRoleTableSeeder (also rename filename & class name)
14 DB::table('otherrole')->insert([
15 'name' => 'Other Role',
16 'email' => '',
17 'password' => bcrypt('super-role')
  • resources\views\auth\login.blade
11 <form method="POST" action="{{ route('post.login.other.role') }}">
  • resources\views\page\other-role\dashboard.blade.php (rename other-role directory)
8 <div class="card-header">Other Role Dashboard</div>
  • routes\web
21 Route::get('/other_role/login', 'Auth\LoginController@showOtherRoleLoginForm')->name('view.login.other.role');
24 Route::post('/other_role/login', 'Auth\LoginController@loginOtherRole')->name('post.login.other.role');
34 Route::middleware(['auth:other_role'])->prefix('other_role')->group(function (){
35 Route::get('/', function(){return view('page.other-role.dashboard');})->name('other.role.dashboard');
36 Route::get('/dashboard', function(){return view('page.other-role.dashboard');})->name('other.role.dashboard');
  1. Migrate & seed to your database
$ php artisan migrate
$ php artisan db:seed
  1. Compile UI using npm (because it will load compiled vue-ui). You can custom your UI with your own css / jss by editing views and you're no need to execute this npm
$ npm install && npm run dev
  1. Start dev
$ php artisan serve

Enjoy .......