
Analyze folder transactions in the Crust chain

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Folder analyzer

1. Upload folder to ipfs

For folder upload, refer to this link to build. It is recommended to use this gateway: https://gw.crustfiles.app, or build a local IPFS node with a good network for uploading. At the same time, during the upload process, you can record the cids value of the file in the folder or call the IPFS command to obtain the cids value contained in the folder after the upload is completed. The code is as follows:

import { create } from 'ipfs-http-client'

async function addFile(ipfs: IPFS.IPFS, rootCid: any) {

    // Get links from ipfs
    for await (const link of this.ipfs.ls(rootCid)) {

2. Place storage order

Next, we need to send a transaction named Place Storage Order on Crust chain, this transaction will dispatch your storage requirement to each Crust IPFS nodes through blockchain. Then the IPFS nodes will start pulling your file with IPFS protocol.

You can find more crustChainEndpoint on LINK.

You can create your own account(seeds) on LINK.

If it's a folder, please set memo = 'folder'; If it's a file, please set memo = ''

import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api';
import { typesBundleForPolkadot, crustTypes } from '@crustio/type-definitions';
import { Keyring } from '@polkadot/keyring';
import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types';

// Create global chain instance
const crustChainEndpoint = 'wss://rpc.crust.network';
const api = new ApiPromise({
    provider: new WsProvider(crustChainEndpoint),
    typesBundle: typesBundleForPolkadot,

async function placeStorageOrder() {
    // 1. Construct place-storage-order tx
    const fileCid = 'Qm123'; // IPFS CID, take `Qm123` as example
    const fileSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; // Let's say 2 gb(in byte)
    const tips = 0;
    const memo = 'folder';
    const tx = api.tx.market.placeStorageOrder(fileCid, fileSize, tips, memo);

    // 2. Load seeds(account)
    const seeds = 'xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx';
    const kr = new Keyring({ type: 'sr25519' });
    const krp = kr.addFromUri(seeds);

    // 3. Send transaction
    await api.isReadyOrError;
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        tx.signAndSend(krp, ({events = [], status}) => {
            console.log(`💸  Tx status: ${status.type}, nonce: ${tx.nonce}`);

            if (status.isInBlock) {
                events.forEach(({event: {method, section}}) => {
                    if (method === 'ExtrinsicSuccess') {
                        console.log(`✅  Place storage order success!`);
            } else {
                // Pass it
        }).catch(e => {

3. Folder information

If you store a folder in Crust. Through the folder analyzer service, you can obtain relevant information about the folder you placed the order in. There is a certain delay in updating this information, which is determined by the network environment.

3.1 Get the cids value contained in the folder

  • request
curl --request GET 'https://folderanalyzer.crustapps.net/api/v1/cids?root=QmQZYQaq48KkY7nWbpfWh8kyEh21yehwPk5xoofnLFVGtV'
  • result:

3.2 Get the root of the folder to which the cid belongs

  • request
curl --request GET 'https://folderanalyzer.crustapps.net/api/v1/root?cid=QmZPVr2ZWX96uA7cP6m7bAkJbKKSpu5Rd4wgb6EWtjcdFp'
  • result:

Additional information such as the number of copies can be obtained on the crust chain by using the root cid of the folder

4. Query order status

Then, you can query the order status{replica_count, storage_duration, ...} by calling on-chain status.

async function getOrderState(cid: string) {
    await api.isReadyOrError;
    return await api.query.market.filesV2(cid);

And it'll return:

    "file_size": 23710,
    "spower": 24895,
    "expired_at": 2594488,
    "calculated_at": 2488,
    "amount": "545.3730 nCRU",
    "prepaid": 0,
    "reported_replica_count": 1,
    "remaining_paid_count": 3,
    "replicas": {
        "cTHATJrSgZM2haKfn5e47NSP5Y5sqSCCToxrShtVifD2Nfxv5": {
            "who": "cTHATJrSgZM2haKfn5e47NSP5Y5sqSCCToxrShtVifD2Nfxv5",
            "valid_at": 2140,
            "anchor": "0xd9aa29dda8ade9718b38681adaf6f84126531246b40a56c02eff8950bb9a78b7c459721ce976c5c0c9cd4c743cae107e25adc3a85ed7f401c8dde509d96dcba0",
            "is_reported": true,
            "created_at": 2140