Ice Cream Flavor Challenge

Front end A/B testing demands a strong working knowledge of DOM manipulation. There are often many different ways to achieve the same result.


Provide JavaScript code which will manipulate the initial state of an HTML document with an empty unordered list such that the list will contain 7 ice cream flavors from the global array iceCreamFlavors with each flavor as child text of a li element with the class "ice-cream-flavor".

Your challenge is to provide meaningfully different solutions using various techniques. Please provide at least 3 solutions, but you are welcome to do as many as you'd like. Each solution should be its own file under a solutions/ directory. Filenames should follow the following convention: solution1.js, solution2.js, etc. Clone this repo and provide your solutions on your GitHub account. See email for submission instructions.

Expected output

Initial state of the list:

  <ul class="ice-cream-list">

Expected goal state of the list:

  <ul class="ice-cream-list">
    <li class="ice-cream-flavor">vanilla</li>
    <li class="ice-cream-flavor">chocolate</li>
    <li class="ice-cream-flavor">Cherry Garcia</li>
    <li class="ice-cream-flavor">Neopolitan</li>
    <li class="ice-cream-flavor">French vanilla</li>
    <li class="ice-cream-flavor">bubble gum</li>
    <li class="ice-cream-flavor">butter pecan</li>

Assumptions About Code Execution

  • The DOM will be in the fully-loaded state of the markup included in this repo. See index.html
  • Your code will execute in a global context. (e.g. pasted in the browser console)
  • The DOM state will reset for each solution.
  • jQuery will be available globally as jQuery or $.
  • An array of strings (ice cream flavors) will be available globally as iceCreamFlavors. The flavors exist in the array as follows:
  'Cherry Garcia',
  'French vanilla',
  'bubble gum',
  'butter pecan'