
a simple shell script + systemd service to have a basic bar in DWM

Primary LanguageShell


A simple systembar for DWM using xsetroot and nothing else.


probably nothing. It only uses coreutils and runs on POSIX compliant shell.


$ make install

Note that the installation is not as root, so it will only affect the current user. It pre-suposes that the paths $HOME/.local/systemd/user and $HOME/.config/bin exist and will install there the necessary service file and the script.


The configuration is rather straight forward. You just change mybar.sh until it is outputing what you want on the xsetroot -name lines.

The function bar_redraw gets run once a period (in the vanilla case, once a minute).

The function bar_force_redraw gets run every time the process gets killed with signal SIGUSR

The PID of the process is written to /tmp/barsh_id and can be retried by other programs to issue the kill signal to force the bar to update with kill -12 $(PID).


The only thing that is running is the mybar.sh script. This should be copied into your path and invoked in the background to keep updating your status bar once a minute.

If you have systemd installed then you can enable clipsync as a user service after having installed it with make install by running.

$ systemctl --user enable mybar.service

$ systemctl --user start mybar.service

These instructions work on arch linux, I'm not sure how they would port to other distributions