

Includes Basic HTML form using tags like form,input.Recreating a website http://placekitten.com/ using basic html,table and image tag.Aligning images was tough,so I used table style to make website in desired format. Exercise3 is about Creating portfolio.I started with basic layout and will add more features later.


Exercise1 was about recreating html form by using css and I tried to follow the given format.Exercise2 was about recreating a website that we made in assignment 1 by using css.Got some layout issue.In exercise3,By using CSS I made my portfolio more presentable and added more features.


Week3 is about CSS layout and Bootstrap.For Exercise1,I used "Form controls" that automatically receive some global styling with Bootstrap.Creating a form was more easier and neater than earlier.For Layout exercise,I used 3 different layout options :CSS Grid,Bootstrap Grid and flexbox.


JavaScript,For exercise3 I used the format of HTML form to output the data on console.Instead of making external .js file I used script tag inside my html.


Express,For this assignment I Recreated HTML Form with express/node server. Created a folder with the following files: ❏index.html ❏app.js ❏package.json ❏package-lock.json


In Typescript assignment,I follow the tutorial and installed typescript package to run .ts file. All files ran successfully and created .js files which are included in the folder.In React assignment,I followed Tutorial:Intro to React and Modified Index.js and Index.css files.All files are included in React folder. In Nodejs I followed codelabs and build a node.js web app using Google Cloud Platform