In settings.gradle:
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
In build.gradle:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.crylent:android-midilib:v2.0.1'
// create synthesizer instrument
val synthesizer = Synthesizer(ADSREnvelope(1, 0, 1, 1)).apply {
addOscillator(Oscillator(Oscillator.Shape.SAW, frequencyFactor = 2)) // octave up
// create sampler instrument
Sampler.setResamplingQuality(Sampler.ResamplingQuality.LINEAR) // very slow and can crash with better quality than linear
val sampler = Sampler(ReleaseOnlyEnvelope(1)).apply {
loadSample(applicationContext, SampleFromAssets("pluck.wav", 60))
copyAssetToRange(60, 0, 127)
// assign instruments to channels
AudioEngine.setInstrument(0, synthesizer)
AudioEngine.setInstrument(1, sampler)
// apply effects
FXList.ChannelFX[0].add(Filter(Filter.Type.LowPass, 1000f))
FXList.ChannelFX[1].add(Filter(Filter.Type.HighPass, 1000f))
// apply effects to master channel
// when you need to play a note
AudioEngine.noteOn(0, 60, 1.0f) // channel, note and amplitude
// when you need to stop playing a note
AudioEngine.noteOff(0, 60) // channel and note
// if you want to render WAV instead of real-time playback (playback will be paused while rendering)
val wav = AudioEngine.renderWav(listOf(
AudioEngine.NoteEvent(0, 0, 60, 1.0f), // play C on time=0
AudioEngine.NoteEvent(0, 1, 60, 0.0f), // stop playing C on time=1
AudioEngine.NoteEvent(0, 1, 64, 1.0f), // play E on time=1
AudioEngine.NoteEvent(0, 2, 64, 0.0f) // stop playing E on time=2