
Dice as a Service

Primary LanguageHaskellOtherNOASSERTION

Dice as a Service

On your way to an epic quest but suddenly realizing you forgot your precious plastic icosahedrons at home? Annoyed at the lack of 47-sided dice at your local game store? Fear not! Start your own dice service today!

The service listens to to http GET requests and can answer in either plain text, json or html depending on the accept-header of the request. The dice service parses the url and expects a string representing a dice roll (ie. 2d20+4 or 5d6) as the only parameter.

Try it!

Usage (client)

~ $ curl localhost/2d20+4 -H "accept: text/plain"

~ $ curl localhost/5d6 -H "accept: application/json" | pretty_json
   "diceroll" : {
      "number" : 5,
      "sides" : 6,
      "modifier" : 0
   "result" : 14

Usage (server)

~ $ dice --help
Starts a service that listens for incoming HTTP GET requests, parses the
argument and returns the result in either plain text, json or html

Usage: dice [-p|--port PORT]
  Dice as a service (DaaS)

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text
  -p,--port PORT           Port that service listens to (defaults to 80)

~ $ dice --port 8080 >> dice.log


A simple cabal install should be enough as long as you have a fairly new ghc on your system. I highly recommend building it in a sandbox!


I created this project for the sole purpose of learning more about Haskell. I don't expect it to be useful.

If you think this sucks there's another service I recommend for you http://foaas.com/!

Background tile in HTML response by Brant Wilson